Create a template card


Turn a card into a template if you want to reuse it later. Template cards have a badge on the front, and a button on the back to create a new card using that template.

To create a template card:

  1. 任意のカードを開きます

  2. Select Make template

You can also create a card from any template card on the board by selecting Create from template at the bottom of any list.

Edit a template card

Editing a template card won’t update other cards created using that template. You can edit a template card in the same way as a normal card, however some features aren’t visible on template cards:

  • Mark complete: Completion status is hidden when a card is turned into a template. If a card was marked complete before being turned into a template, cards created from the template will automatically be marked complete.

  • Dates: Start and due dates are hidden on a template, and won’t be copied to cards created from it.

If you don’t see the feature you’re trying to edit, disable the template, make the changes, then turn the card into a template again.

Delete a template card

Deleting a template card will also delete the original card. You can convert a template back to a card by selecting Template option on the card back.

Create a new card from a template

Button at the bottom of a list to create a card from a template.

There are two ways to create a card from a template:

  • Open a template card and select Create card from template

  • At the bottom of any list, select Create from template

Make a template card into a normal card

To change a template card back to a normal card:

  1. カードを開く

  2. Select Template from the list of actions

Hide a template card

You can hide template a card so it doesn’t appear in any list on your board, but can still be used to create new cards.

To hide a template card:

  1. Open a template card

  2. Select Hide from list

Hiding a template is the same as archiving a card. You can find hidden template cards in the archvied items section in the board menu, or by selecting Create from template at the bottom of any list.

Share a template card with other boards

カード テンプレートはボード間で共有されません。回避策として、新しいカードをテンプレートから作成して別のボードに移動できます。新しいボードに所属するカードは、新しいカード テンプレートになります。

Template cards on mobile

Web で作成されたカード テンプレートによって、新しいカードを Trello モバイル アプリで作成できます。モバイル ユーザーは、カード テンプレートのチェックリストを保持または削除できます。



現在、モバイル アプリではテンプレートの編集と作成は利用できません。回避策として、モバイル デバイスのブラウザーによって Web 上でテンプレートを編集できます。


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