Set up a Premium Workspace

If you've upgraded your Trello Workspace to Premium and you're looking to onboard your Workspace as smoothly as possible, you are in the right place. Follow along step-by-step to get started.

1. Invite people, and configure their permissions

Add people to the Workspace

The first thing to do is invite people to the Workspace. You can do this from the Members section.Add members by entering their email address or Trello username. Individuals that are not already signed up with Trello will receive an email inviting them to sign up for Trello. When they create an account they will automatically be added to your Workspace.

なぜワークスペースを追加する必要があるのですか? すべての Premium 機能に対する完全なアクセスを付与するユーザーと Premium の権限で制御するユーザーを追加します。

Please note that the Trello Premium subscription is per-Workspace-member, which means that every person that you invite to be a member of your Workspace will incur an additional charge. 

How billing works with Premium 

Set permission levels for Workspace members

Once you’ve added people to your Workspace you can set each person’s permission level.

It’s useful to have one additional trusted member that you can assign admin privileges to in case you are unavailable. To set Workspace level permissions for members, click the button to the right of the member's name that either says Admin or Normal and adjust accordingly.


You can find information about Workspace members on the Members tab. You’ll find the following details for each member:

  1. Name and username

  2. Last activity date

  3. 許可レベル

  4. An option to remove them from the Workspace, with additional options to choose whether you want to remove them from all Workspace boards, or deactivate them instead.

2. Add boards, and invite people to them


It is likely that members of your Workspace created Trello boards for projects before your Trello Workspace existed. If you like, they can move their boards into your Workspace so they can use Premium features.

If you’re an admin of a board, you can move it to your Workspace yourself. For other boards, ask board admins to move them into your Workspace.

Board admins can move a board to a different Workspace from the board menu by selecting Settings, then selecting the Workspace’s name.

The board menu showing the Settings section, with the option to change the Workspace the board is part of.


Open any board and select Share to add people to it. You can add a member as Member or Observer. Type their email address or username, then select Share.

More about adding people to a board

メンバー タイプ

  • 管理者は、カードを表示して編集、メンバーを削除、ボード設定を変更できます。 

  • メンバーはカードを表示して編集できますが、ボード設定は変更できません。 

  • 閲覧者はカードを表示、コメント、カードに投票できますが、カードを移動または編集できず設定は変更できません。

Observer status makes it easier to share boards and information with clients and vendors. Give people the ability to view, but not modify, private Workspace boards, without needing to make the entire board public. You can even invite people outside the Workspace to be an observer on a board. However, if the observer needs to be added to more than one board, they will be bilalble as a multi-board guest.

Premium へのアップグレードはワークスペースごとであるため、ワークスペースにある 1 つのボードにのみ追加されたボード メンバーについては請求されません。 

ワークスペース メンバーによる参加を許可する

By default, Workspace members can't collaborate on boards unless they are added as a board member. If you don't want to go through the hassle of adding everyone to boards in your Workspace, you can select Workspace editing in the board menu.

This will give Workspace members the ability to join and edit boards in the Workspace. You will have to do this for each board on your Workspace individually.

More about setting board permissions

3. Configure Workspace settings

ワークスペース設定で、メンバー、ボード、招待制限の権限をワークスペースレベルで設定します。ワークスペース設定を開くには、サイドバーを展開して [設定] > [ワークスペース設定] の順にクリックします。

Control who can join the Workspace

Workspace admins can use Workspace membership restrictions to prevent people from being invited to the Workspace unless their email address is from one of the approved domains.

This setting’s default is Anybody, which allows anyone to be invited to the Workspace.

To enable Workspace membership restrictions and limit who can be invited to the Workspace:

  1. Open the Workspace settings

  2. Find Workspace membership restrictions then select Change

  3. Select Only specific email domains

  4. Enter the email domains that should be able to join your Workspace. For example, Then select Add (plus icon). You can continue approving domains this way.

Adding Workspace membership restrictions only affects future invitations. It won’t remove members from the Workspace or its boards if their email isn’t from one of the approved domains.


Restrict who can create or delete boards

Set the permissions for who can create public boards, workspace visible boards, and private boards. You can choose any workspace members, only workspace admins or nobody for each option.


Prevent people outside the Workspace from joining boards

最後に、[Sharing boards with guests(ゲストとのボード共有)] の権限を設定します。自分のワークスペースに関連付けられているボードに誰でも追加できるようにすることも(ワークスペースのメンバーであるかどうかに関係なく)、自分のワークスペースのメンバーのみをワークスペースのボードに追加できるように設定することもできます。


4. Understand billing

When you upgrade your Trello Workspace to Trello Premium you have the option to choose between a monthly or annual plan. The cost is per Workspace member, so you'll be billed for every additional member you invite to the Workspace. 

請求セクションに移動すると、支払い方法、請求連絡先、請求履歴、領収書にアクセスして編集、さらに請求書に自社業務で必要な詳細情報を追加できます。またここでは、Premium サブスクリプションを解約できます。

Premium is an upgrade for a Workspace. This means that you're upgrading a specific Workspace within your account instead of your account as a whole. For example, you could have one Premium Workspace in your account, and two free Workspaces.

請求の仕組みに関する詳細については、記事「Trello Premium の請求の仕組み」をご参照ください。

Trello Premium サブスクリプションを解約する必要がある場合は、記事「Trello Premium を解約する」をご確認ください。

Priority サポート

Trello Premium をご利用のお客様には、優先サポートが用意されています。ご質問には 1 営業日以内の回答を保障します。 



アトラシアン コミュニティをご利用ください。