What are the different APIs under Statuspage?
Using the Status API with a Private Page or a Trial Page requires passing in your API key as an Authorization header. Please see FAQ below for more information.
Statuspage offers two API's; an authenticated API which can be used to programmatically manage and update your status page, and a page-level status API which can be used to consume your page info in order to surface your system status on your own website or application.
Manage API
The authenticated API can be used to make changes or updates to your status page. You can create components, incidents, subscribers, metrics, team members, and more using this API. Our Manage API endpoints can be found here: developer.statuspage.io.
Status API
Each status page has it's own dedicated set of endpoints. Many of our customers use their Status API to embed status alerts to their users/customers directly in their own application's user interface or help portal.
A note on CORS (related to using the Status API with a Private Status Page)
We don't allow CORS on private pages or trial pages. You'll need to use an API proxy for any request which needs access to an authenticated API. This will allow your custom HTML page to access your local API proxy without requiring any Authorization header, and it will then add the required header and sent it downstream to our API.
Can I use the Status API with a Private Page?
Yes, but you're required to send your API key as an Authorization header in requests that you make to the Status API. This is intentional as we don't want status information to be leaked to people who don't have access to that private status page.
Our suggestion here is to write a simple proxy which adds your API key and passes those requests through to Statuspage.
Warning: Without using a proxy, you risk exposing your API key, which is a full read/write API key. If someone were to intercept that token, they would be able to make any other API call to the page.
Can I use the Status API with a Public Trial Page?
Yes, but you're required to send your API key as an Authorization header in requests that you make to the Status API. This is intentional because otherwise people would be able to use Statuspage's API on a trial Statuspage and without signing up for a paid subscription. When you activate your page to turn it into a paid public page, this restriction will be lifted.
Our suggestion here is to write a simple proxy which adds your API key and passes those requests through to Statuspage.
Warning: Without using a proxy, you risk exposing your API key, which is a full read/write API key. If someone were to intercept that token, they would be able to make any other API call to the page.
Does Statuspage offer a read-only API key?
Not at this time.
Does Statuspage offer an account-wide API key?
No, API keys are associated with a team member (admin) account.
What are the rate limits?
The Manage API is limited to 60 requests per minute. The Status API is not rate limited.
Can certain endpoints be disabled?
No, it is not possible to configure which endpoints are active / inactive.
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