Top-level status and incident impact calculations
Statuspage does some calculations behind the scenes to determine your page's top-level status, and each incident's "impact". Incident impact is based on the affected components of the incident, and top-level status is calculated based on all components of a page.
First, let's take a look at component statuses.
Component statuses
Components have a "status". They can include...
Operational (green)
Under Maintenance (blue)
Degraded Performance (yellow)
Partial Outage (orange)
Major Outage (red)
Component statuses affect the top-level status, and incident impact.
What is top-level status?
Top-level status is the status displayed at the top of your page. You can think of this as the overall condition your product/service is in. Hopefully your top-level status is “all systems operational” more often than not.
Top-level status can be any of the following...
All Systems Operational (green)
Major System Outage (red)
Partial System Outage (orange)
Minor Service Outage (yellow)
Degraded System Service (yellow)
Partially Degraded Service (yellow)
Service Under Maintenance (blue)
How is top-level status calculated?
Top level status gets calculated automatically according to the state each component is in. In general, we look at the status of all components on the page and apply the top-level status according to the state the page's components are in. Let's take a closer look at how we calculate this...
For pages with 0 components
Top level status will always be All Systems Operational (unless there is an active incident).
For pages with 1 component
If the component status is 'Operational', top-level status will read 'All Systems Operational'
If the component status is 'Under Maintenance', top-level status will read 'Service Under Maintenance'
If the component status is 'Degraded Performance', top-level status will read 'Partially Degraded Service'
If the component status is 'Partial Outage', top-level status will read 'Partial System Outage'
If the component status is 'Major Outage', top-level status will read 'Major System Outage'
For pages with 2 or more components
Here we make a best effort to blend the status of all of the components on your page. We use the following decision tree logic to calculate top level status:
If all components have a status of 'Operational', top-level status will read 'All Systems Operational'
If all components have a status of 'Major Outage', top-level status will read 'Major System Outage'
If all components have a status of 'Partial Outage', top-level status will read 'Partial System Outage'
If any components have a status of 'Major Outage', top-level status will read 'Partial System Outage'
If any components have a status of 'Partial Outage', top-level status will read 'Minor Service Outage'
If all components have a status of 'Degraded Performance', top-level status will read 'Degraded System Service'
If any components have a status of 'Degraded Performance', top-level status will read 'Partially Degraded Service'
If any components have a status of 'Under Maintenance', top-level status will read 'System Under Maintenance'
After every component change, we’ll check to see if top level status needs to be updated. The top-level status will be automatically updated based on the status of the components.
What is incident impact?
It's important for your customers to know how severe an incident is. That's why we have “incident impact”. We apply the incident impact based on the affected components of the incident. On the front-end, incident impact shows as a color, which signifies the severity of the incident.
Incident impact can be any of the following...
None (black)
Minor (yellow)
Major (orange)
Critical (red)
Maintenance (black)
How is incident impact calculated?
Incident impact is calculated by looking at the affected components of the incident.
Let's take a closer look...
If all components have a status of 'Operational', incident impact will read ‘None’
If all components have a status of 'Major Outage', incident impact will read ‘Critical’
If all components have a status of 'Partial Outage', incident impact will read ‘Major’
If any component has a status of 'Major Outage', incident impact will read ‘Major’
If any component has a status of 'Partial Outage', incident impact will read ‘Minor’
If all components have a status of 'Degraded Performance', incident impact will read ‘Minor’
If any component has a status of 'Degraded Performance', incident impact will read ‘Minor’
If any component has a status of 'Under Maintenance', incident impact will read ‘Maintenance'
After every component change, we’ll check to see if incident impact needs to be updated. These rules are applied in a if/else structure, so the If any component has a status of 'Under Maintenance', incident impact will read ‘Maintenance' rule only applies if all the other conditions are false.
Override incident impact
You can override incident impact by going to the incidents tab > view incident and then use the impact drop down menu to set the impact to the appropriate level.
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