Post incidents to Twitter

Statuspage can tweet updates when you create or update an incident.

  1. Click Apps from the left sidebar.

  2. Find Twitter on the Apps page.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Click Authenticate With Twitter.

Update Twitter settings

Once you authenticate your Twitter account, you can configure a few settings, including...

  • Tweet by default or do not tweet by default when creating an incident

  • Start the tweet with some text such as [status]

  • Add a custom Twitter card image (the default image used is the Statuspage logo)

Note: Custom Twitter card images will not show up if your page is in Trial mode.

Tweet updates

Statuspage automatically starts the tweet with with your custom text (if selected) and the current incident stage (Investigating | Identified | Monitoring | Resolved).

Here’s and example of what that would look like on the Twitter side:

Shows what tweets look like on a Twitter timeline when they are incident updates

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