What are audience-specific pages?
Audience-specific pages were previously known as the feature Access control.
Helpful terms
User - Page viewers who authenticate to view your page and subscribe to notifications.
Group - Groups of page users that have the same permissions when viewing your status page.
What are audience-specific pages?
In Statuspage, you can create public, private, or audience-specific pages to control your page audiences. Audience-specific is a page type with pre-specified users and groups who have viewing and subscription permissions.
Pre-specified users and groups can view audience-specific pages. The main reasons you may want to use an audience-specific page is for security and usability because you can:
Set permissions for who can view these pages and what notifications they can receive.
Choose what components and information is visible so that users and groups see only what is of interest to them.
Here are a few use cases that may warrant an audience-specific page:
When customer instances are hosted on single-tenant infrastructure
When your customers are grouped together on clusters or shards
If internal employees need individual access to view a private, internal status page
Note: Users currently need their own unique usernames and passwords to authenticate for audience-specific pages.
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