Read the Statuspage user guide
Here's the one-stop shop for quickly learning the core features of Statuspage.
Read the Statuspage user guide
Here's the one-stop shop for quickly learning the core features of Statuspage.
Introduce Statuspage to your team
Use this email template to introduce Statuspage to your team and prepare them for incident communication.
Show service status with components
Learn what components are and how they let you show the status of your services to page viewers.
Launch your status page
Launch your first status page by following these six steps.
Know when to automate your status page
Understand what options are available for automating your status pages and when to use them.
Switch your trial page type
Learn about the different page types you can try while on your trial.
What do I get on a free trial?
Find out what is included on your trial while you try out Statuspage and prepare to activate your page.
What do I get on a Free plan?
See what is included on Statuspage's Free pricing plan.
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