Differences using Confluence Data Center and Cloud

This page outlines the differences your team can expect as a Confluence Data Center or Server end-user when moving to Confluence Cloud. Some of the capabilities listed below apply to more than one product.

We’ve organized this list by how different the experience is:

  1. Works differently in Cloud

  2. Not available in Cloud

  3. Only available in Cloud

You may want to factor in these differences when planning the change management and onboarding activities for your team. Interested in the differences you can expect as an administrator? Differences administering Confluence Data Center and Cloud

1. Works differently in Cloud

Editor (new editor)

Works differently in Cloud.

What’s different

The editor in Confluence Cloud is significantly more modern and user-friendly than the editor in Confluence Data Center and Server, known as the legacy editor. New pages are created using the new editor unless you select the legacy editor template. Tables, images, macros, and page layouts all work a little differently but are easier to use once you become familiar with the change. We’ve included more information about the most significant differences below.

How it works in Cloud

Draft, publish, and update a page

Confluence Cloud roadmap

Who it affects


Editor (legacy editor)

Works differently in Cloud.

What’s different

When you migrate, your existing pages will use the Legacy editor, which is very similar to the editor in Confluence Server and Data Center. Users will have the option to convert existing pages to the new editor on a page-by-page basis, to avoid losing any formatting or macro data that isn't available in the new editor.

By default, new pages are created in the new editor. If you need the ability to create new pages in the Legacy editor, our support team can help, but be aware that the legacy editor does not get bug fixes (except in the case of a major incident), or any improvements or new features.

How it works in Cloud

Convert pages to the cloud editor

Suggestion CONFCLOUD-70955: Bulk convert pages to the new editor

Who it affects



Works differently in Cloud.

What’s different

The way macros work in the new editor in Confluence Cloud is significantly more user-friendly than in Confluence Data Center and Server. Many render visually in the editor, rather than as a placeholder. Some macros have been combined, while others are not available. Another significant difference is that macros can’t be nested (for example, you can’t put a code macro inside a panel macro).

Many of the Confluence Data Center and Server macros are still available in the legacy editor template, and in migrated content that has not been converted to the new editor.

How it works in Cloud

What are macros?

Learn which macros are being removed

Who it affects


Nested macros

Works differently in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Server and Data Center there were not many restrictions on how macros could be used together. In the new editor, a macro with a body can’t be nested inside another macro. For example, you can’t put a code macro inside a panel macro. This limitation also affects third-party apps, so you may find macros provided by your apps may work differently or not be available in the new editor. When you migrate, your existing pages will use the Legacy editor which does still allow nested macros, to make sure your existing content displays the way you expect it to.

How it works in Cloud

Suggestion CONFCLOUD-70746: Allow nested macros for apps

Who it affects



Works differently in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Server and Data Center table options were provided in the editor toolbar. In Confluence Cloud, the way you interact with a table is a little different. The options are integrated into the table itself, which makes it more intuitive to add, remove, copy, and paste columns and rows, change the column width, cell color, and other characteristics of your table. The most significant changes your team might notice include that you can only choose from three preset table widths (no custom width), and you can’t nest one table inside another.

How it works in Cloud

Format your page

Suggestion CONFCLOUD-67748: Custom table width

Who it affects



Works differently in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Server and Data Center you select a template from the Create dialog when creating a page. In Confluence Cloud, you choose a template from within the page, and will get a preview of how it will look. There are over 100 templates to choose from, and you can download more from our website. Your existing templates will also be available.

How it works in Cloud

Format a page or blog with a template

See what templates are available

Who it affects


View unpublished pages

Works differently in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Server and Data Center, unpublished pages (often known as drafts) were accessed from the Drafts list in your profile or Recently worked on in the dashboard. In Confluence Cloud, people can access pages they have contributed to from the page tree in the sidebar and the Recent drop-down menu in the header. Unpublished pages are much easier to access in Confluence Cloud.

How it works in Cloud

Draft, publish, and update a page

Who it affects


Delete page and child pages

Works differently in the cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Server or Data Center, users can delete the current page, or the current page, and any child pages.

In Confluence Cloud:

  • For Standard plans, the users can delete the current page, or the current page and any child pages.

  • For Enterprise and Premium plans, the users can delete pages in bulk by selecting the Purge All option under Space settings > Manage content > Trash.

How it works in Cloud

Delete, restore, or purge a content item

Who it affects


2. Not available in Cloud

Adding attachments from other pages

Not available in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Data Center and Server, users could upload attachments from existing pages. In the new editor, you can only upload attachments from your computer, not from another page or space.

How it works in Cloud

Upload and manage files

Suggestion CONFCLOUD-65344: Add attachments from other pages

Who it affects


Copy pages without attachments

Not available in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Server or Data Center, you had the option to exclude attachments when copying pages. This option is not available in Confluence Cloud.

How it works in Cloud

Suggestion CONFCLOUD-19389: Copy pages without attachments

Who it affects


Edit files using Companion

Not available in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Data Center and Server, users could edit an attached file in any compatible application using the Companion app. The Companion app was removed from Confluence Cloud in March 2022. To edit an attached file, you need to download the file, edit it in a compatible application, then manually re-upload it to the page.

How it works in Cloud

Companion App removal announcement

Who it affects


Right-to-left language support for editing and searching

Not available in Cloud.

What’s different

Right-to-left languages are supported in Confluence Data Center. This is not available in Confluence Cloud, although there are some Marketplace apps that provide this functionality.

How it works in Cloud

Suggestion CONFCLOUD-1373: Support right-to-left languages

Who it affects


3. Only available in cloud

We’ve included some significant features that are only available in cloud, as you may want to prepare your team for these as well.

Archive pages

Available in Cloud, on selected plans.

What’s different

In Confluence Server and Data Center you could archive a space to exclude pages in that space from search. In Confluence Cloud you can archive a space, or choose to archive individual pages. Archived pages don’t appear in the page tree, are still easy to access under Archived in the sidebar. You can bulk archive pages with a Premium or Enterprise plan.

How it works in Cloud

Archive content items

Who it affects


Cloud automation

Available in Cloud, on selected plans.

What’s different

Automation for Confluence allows you to create automation rules to perform many types of manual, repetitive tasks. The simple rule builder allows users to configure powerful automation rules to handle even the most complex scenarios. Requires a Premium or Enterprise plan.

How it works in Cloud

Automation basics

Confluence Cloud automation

Jira Cloud automation

Who it affects

Administrators, Users
Confluence, Jira Software, Jira Service Management

Convert tables to charts

Available in Cloud.

What’s different

Present table data dynamically as pie charts, bar charts, and line charts in your Confluence page. Make charts from your tables to do things like track work, create financial reports, and visualize survey data.

How it works in Cloud

Turn tables into compelling charts

Who it affects


Inline comments in the editor

Available in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Server and Data Center, you could only add inline comments while viewing a page. In Confluence Cloud, you can also add inline comments when editing a page. This allows for more collaboration before the page is published, and makes actioning the comments even easier.

How it works in Cloud

Comment on pages, whiteboards, and blog posts

Who it affects


Live macro preview

Available in Cloud.

What’s different

The way macros work in the new editor is significantly more user-friendly. While configuring macros, many render visually in the editor, rather than as a placeholder.

How it works in Cloud

What are macros?

Who it affects


Page actions from the sidebar

Available in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Server and Data Center, actions like creating, editing, and moving pages can only be done from the top navigation or directly in the page. In Confluence Cloud, you can also perform these actions from the page tree in the sidebar.

How it works in Cloud

Draft, publish, and update a page

Who it affects


Page headers, emojis, and page status

Available in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Cloud you can customize a page in a number of ways, including adding an emoji to the page title (which appears in the page tree), adding an image to the header, and a customizable status to represent the current state of the page.

How it works in Cloud

Make your page and its title more memorable

Add a status to your page or blog

Who it affects


Schedule publish

Available in Cloud.

What’s different

In Confluence Cloud you can schedule the date and time for a page to be published. This is useful for things like company announcements, or pages that aren’t applicable until a particular date.

How it works in Cloud

Draft, publish, and update a page

Who it affects


Available in Cloud.

What’s different

When a link is pasted into the new editor it becomes a Smart link, and you have several options for how you want the link and its content to appear on your page. This gives you more control over how links appear.

How it works in Cloud

Insert links and anchors

Who it affects


Need help choosing?

Still deciding whether cloud or Data Center is right for your organization? Head to our comparison page to explore the benefits of each.

Learn more about the differences between Confluence Cloud and Data Center

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