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What gets migrated with the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant

The Jira Cloud Migration assistant adds data to a Jira Cloud site without overwriting any existing data. This means you can migrate data to a new Cloud site or a site with existing data.

What can be migrated differs between the migration options:

  • Choose what to migrate

  • Migrate all data at once

Migration option: Choose what to migrate

Here are the details on what is and isn’t migrated with the Choose what to migrate option.

What is migrated

What isn't migrated

Jira global entities and permissions

  • Cross-project boards

  • Cross-project filters

  • Boards not connected to the projects being migrated

  • Boards that belong to inactive users

  • Filters on boards that are not migrated

  • Filters that share permissions with projects

  • Dashboards

Jira Software project data

  • Issue rank

  • Epics (epic link)

    • Epic name

    • Epic color

    • Epic link

    • Epic status

  • Issue history (including some custom fields)

    • Epic name

    • Epic color

    • Epic link

    • Epic status

    • Issue rank

    • Original Estimate

    • Remaining Estimate

    • Flagged

    • Components

    • Environment

  • Sprints

  • Versions (affects versions, fix versions)

  • Filters associated with boards being migrated

  • Boards connected to only one project that is being migrated

Jira Software Boards

  • boards

    • name

    • administrators

    • filter & permissions

    • location

    • advanced board settings

      • column names & status mapping

      • quick filters

      • swimlanes

      • sprint permissions

      • card colors

      • time statistic / estimation

Jira Service Management project data

  • Jira Service Management projects

  • All users including agents

  • All groups

  • All customers

  • Request type

  • Request type groups

  • Custom fields

    • Customer organization

    • Approval

    • SLAs

  • Project settings

    • Legacy automation rules

    • Customer notification template

    • Portal settings

    • Calendar

    • Workflow

    • Language support settings

    • Customer satisfaction settings

    • Reports

  • Queue

Jira Core project data

Note: These entities are also part of Jira Software and Jira Service Management.

  • Project details:

    • Name

    • Key

    • Project type

    • Project category

    • Description

    • Project lead

    • Default assignee

  • Project roles

  • Issue types

  • Issue type scheme

    • Default issue type

  • Issue type screen scheme

  • Workflows scheme

  • Field configuration scheme

  • Workflows - basic links to the correctly migrated workflow scheme with status and transitions

  • Workflow functions

  • Screens schemes

  • Screens

    • Tabs

  • Status category

  • Permission schemes

  • Notification schemes

    • Only system events with default notifications are migrated. User-defined custom notifications are not migrated. Custom events are also not migrated.

  • Issue security

  • Priorities and priority schemes

Issue data

  • Summary

  • Description

  • Issue type

  • Issue number

  • Status

  • Resolution

  • Labels

  • Creator

  • Reporter

  • Assignee

  • Due date

  • Subtasks

  • Some custom fields

    • Text

    • Date

    • Number

    • Time

    • Labels

    • Select list (single choice, multiple choice, cascading select)

    • Checkbox

    • User picker (single/multiple)

    • Project picker (single project)

    • Group custom fields

    • Multi-line text

    • Radio button

    • Environment

    • URL

  • @mentions

  • Watchers/ votes

  • Issue links (including link types)

  • Attachments

  • Comments

  • Comments with security

  • Story points

  • Time spent

  • Issue history

  • Issue work log

  • Issue key history

Other issue types

  • Archived issue

Users and groups from active directories

  • Jira Work Management and Jira Software users, and Jira Service Management agents

  • Deleted users from Server are migrated as “Former user”. Only deleted users connected to the projects being migrated will be created in Cloud

  • All groups in active directories

  • Users managed by external directories

Advanced Roadmaps plans

  • Plans with issue sources as projects

  • Plans with issue sources as single- or cross-project boards

  • Plans that have issue sources as filters

  • Users and groups

  • Shared teams

  • Global configuration

  • Custom issue types, custom fields and custom hierarchy mapping

  • Live plans will be migrated as plans with improved interface

App and app data

  • Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Portfolio for Jira)

  • ProForma app data

  • Marketplace partners (also known as app vendors) need to provide an automated migration path for the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant to migrate app data. Learn more about Jira apps with migration paths

Other project types

  • Archived projects

Project setup

  • Custom field language translations

  • Workflow functions

    • Properties

    • Triggers

  • Project avatars

  • Links to issues or entities that are not migrated

  • Custom issue type icons

  • Project shortcuts

  • Workflow UI Diagram Positioning

  • Knowledge base articles linked to service projects

  • Mail handlers

  • Issue picker custom field

  • Issue redirection of moved issues won’t work for migrated Jira tickets

Jira global entities and permissions

  • Global permissions

  • General configuration (timezone, language, etc)

  • Filter subscriptions

  • Webhooks

  • Customized filter columns

Users and groups

  • Users and groups from inactive directories - make directories active to migrate them

Specific app data

  • App data of the following apps is not included in the migration:

    • Automation for Jira

    • Assets

User profiles

  • User avatars: users will need to update their avatars after migrating

  • Passwords: unless you've set up SSO, users will need to reset their passwords after migrating

  • Timezones: timezone information on a per-user profile will be lost

  • Activity Stream: activity stream is not migrated to cloud

  • Jira user properties: Jira user properties are not migrated to cloud

Some items from Advanced Roadmaps plans

  • Classic plans

  • Plans that have issue sources as private filters

  • Unsaved scenario data

  • Saved views

  • User defined custom fields of type

    • Parent Link

    • Team

    • Target start

    • Target end


  • Services from Jira Server and Jira Data Center are not migrated to Jira Cloud

Migration option: Migrate all data at once

The option to ‘Migrate all data at once’ will be discontinued

In September 2024, we’ll discontinue the migration option to 'Migrate all data at once'. For migrators who are actively using this option, we'll continue to support it and maintain its current functionality until September 2024. For more information on this announcement, read our Community post.

We recommend that all customers use the ‘Choose what to migrate’ option. This option is designed to be flexible to meet the unique needs of scaling organizations. How to choose what Jira data to migrate

Here are the details on what is and isn’t migrated with the Migrate all data at once option.

What is migrated

What isn’t migrated

  • Users, groups and permissions: Group membership will be preserved. Users will be added to their groups as part of the migration. Your users will have access to their projects and will be added to your Jira Cloud license.

  • Site data, including projects and issues

  • Jira configuration, including project setup, custom fields, and workflow schemes

  • Boards, filters, and dashboards

  • Application links

  • Attachments

  • Project avatars

  • Logos

  • Apps

  • Advanced Roadmaps plans

  • Portfolio for Jira: Note that Portfolio features differ in Server and Cloud. We recommend including Portfolio for Jira Cloud in your user acceptance testing to understand what differences your users can expect after migrating.

  • The migrator's group permissions: If you're the person performing the migration, you'll need to re-add yourself to your groups after migrating

  • Users managed by external directories: We recommend using the Choose what to migrate option to migrate your data if you have users managed by external directories. If you can't use this option to migrate all data, consider using it to migrate users only.

  • User avatars: Users will need to update their avatars after migrating

  • Archived issues: Archived issues are only migrated by the ‘Choose what to migrate option’.

  • Passwords: Unless you've set up SSO, users will need to reset their passwords after migrating

  • Timezones: Timezone information on a per-user profile will be lost

  • Custom mail handlers

Check what’s migrated in the pre-migration report

You can check what’s included in you migration in the pre-migration report. To get it, complete one of the following steps:

  • After you create a migration plan and add data to it, proceed to the Review your migration step. The Logs and reports section is included there.

  • View the details of your migration plan from the Migrations dashboard. The Logs and reports section is included there.

Learn more about logs and reports

Adding additional entities using CSV import

You can manually add missing fields using CSV import after migrating. Some of the fields that aren’t migrated include:

  • Any custom fields from apps

To add missing fields using CSV import:

  1. Create the missing fields in Jira Cloud:

    1. Create any custom fields that weren’t migrated.

    2. Assign the custom fields to the relevant screens (using data from the Jira Server logs, look for the string unsupported custom field).

  2. Add data for missing fields with CSV export-import:

    1. Export data for all the fields and issues from Server. Create a search and export as CSV

    2. Edit the CSV (in Excel, for example).

      1. Leave only issue key, issue summary and all the missing fields that you want to top up.

      2. Include any other custom fields that are used on issue screens based on data from logs (optional).

    3. Run the CSV import in your Cloud site and select the project previously migrated with the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant.

After completing these steps, all the issues should be updated with missing field data. Projects should now have up-to-date configuration, data and can be considered fully migrated.

More information and support

We have a number of channels available to help you with your migration:

Still need help?

The Atlassian Community is here for you.