Guard Detect を使用した自動化の仕組み

Every organization will have their own workflow for investigating and responding to alerts. While some responses require your security team to make a judgment call, others might be automated.

Here are some actions that you might automate for a content scanning alert:

  • Classify the page that contains sensitive data so that data security controls such as limiting public links and anonymous access apply to that content.

  • Restrict the page and send an email to the actor to explain your company's policy on sensitive data.

  • データをクリーン アップするための次のステップを追跡する Jira チケットを作成。

Thanks to the huge number of actions and conditions available in Confluence automation, the possibilities are endless.

Who can do this?
Role: Organization admin, Guard Detect admin
Plan: Atlassian Guard Premium and Confluence Premium or Enterprise


At their simplest, automation rules consist of a trigger and an action. When the criteria for the trigger is met, the rule runs and performs the action.

The Content scanning alert trigger allows you to perform actions when a content scanning alert is generated by Guard Detect.

For example, someone edits a page and adds sensitive content. Guard Detect generates an alert. Confluence automation recognizes that an alert has happened and runs the automation rule. The rule classifies the page and adds a comment.

Diagram showing content detected on a page, an alert sent, automation rule run, then action performed on the page

Automation rule components

We leverage Confluence automation to provide the ability to include automation in your alert investigation and response workflow.


One trigger is available for Guard Detect.

The Content scanning alert trigger recognizes when a content scanning alert is generated for a page or blog post in the current Confluence instance. You can configure it for all content scanning alerts or only specific content scanning alerts.

Confluence 自動化のトリガー


You can use any action available in Confluence automation. Common actions include restrict page, comment on page, send email, classify page, move page, or create Jira issue.

Confluence 自動化のアクション


Smart values are an incredibly powerful feature that allows you to use data from the alert in different ways, such as in a condition or in an action that supports smart values.

For example, an action that adds a comment to the page could mention the actor and include the type of content detected.

1 2 3 4 Hi @{{}}, Sensitive data such as {{detectAlert.detection.title}} cannot be stored in this Confluence space. See our data storage policy for more information.

The content scanning alert trigger includes many smart values, and you can also use smart values for the Confluence page itself.

Confluence 自動化におけるスマート値

Conditions and branches

Conditions and branches are optional components that allow you to create more sophisticated rules by limiting the scope or introducing multiple paths.

We recommend you follow the Confluence best practices for optimizing automation rules.


There are some things to consider when planning your automation approach.

Rules are created in Confluence instances

There’s not currently a way to create an automation rule that applies to more than one Confluence product instance. If you have multiple Confluence instances, you’ll need to recreate your rule in every Confluence product instance.

To help with this, we recommend you set up your rule in one Confluence instance, test it for a few days, and then export the rule and import it into your other Confluence instances.

How to edit, copy, and delete automation rules in Confluence cloud

Permissions required

Automation rules run on behalf of the user who created them (the rule actor). When a rule is run, if the rule actor doesn’t have adequate product or space permissions to perform the action, the rule will fail.

たとえば、ルールがページにコメントを追加する場合、そのルール アクターには、ルール スコープのコンテンツに対する「コメントを追加」スペース権限が必要です。

グローバル ルール (Confluence インスタンス全体に適用されるルール) を作成する予定の場合は、セキュリティ チームのメンバーよりも高い権限を持つ専用アカウントを使用することをお勧めします。こうすると、ルールが常にエラーなく実行されるようになり、チームがアクセスすべきでないコンテンツにアクセスすることを防止できます。

Impact of page restrictions

ページ制限によりルール アクターがページを表示できない場合でも、自動化ルールは実行されます。ただしこの場合、自動化ルールが一部のページ詳細にアクセスできなくなるため、一部のスマート値が使用できなくなる可能性があります。

自動化監査ログに、ルール アクターがアクセスできないページで、ルールが実行された場所が記録されます。

Automation usage and service limits apply

Confluence のプランによっては、1 か月あたりのルール実行回数の上限を定めた使用制限や、送信できるメール件数および 1 日あたりの最大処理時間などを制御するサービス制限が適用される場合があります。

これらの制限は、Atlassian Guard のプランではなく、Confluence のプランに基づいています。


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