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Set a default classification level

Data classification is currently only available through the Atlassian Information Security Beta program. If you’re not part of the program, subscribe to our Cloud roadmap to be informed when this feature becomes generally available.

Default classification levels can be set for spaces in Confluence and projects in Jira. What is a default classification level?

An organization admin has to set up classification levels for your organization before you can set a default classification level for any space or project. Manage classification levels


Who can do this?
Role: Space admins

To set a default classification level for a Confluence space:

  1. Go to the space in Confluence Cloud.

  2. Select Space Settings from the sidebar.

  3. Select Data classification from the Data protection card.

  4. Select the classification level you want to apply as the default for pages in this space. Classification levels are set up by your organization admin, usually based on your company policy.

  5. Select Save.


Who can do this?
Role: Project admins

To set a default classification level for a Jira project:

  1. Go to the project in Jira Cloud.

  2. Select Project settings > Data classification from the sidebar.

  3. Select the classification level you want to apply as the default for pages in this space. Classification levels are set up by your organization admin, usually based on your company policy.

  4. Select Save.

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