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Specify IP addresses for product access

IP allowlisting is available with Premium plans for Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence. Learn more about Jira Cloud plans and Confluence Cloud plans.

IP allowlisting gives you an additional level of control, allowing you to specify which IP addresses users must use to access content for Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence. When you set an allowlist for Jira Premium, it applies to customer and agent-facing portals for Jira Service Management with the same site URL.

IP allowlists currently apply to these pages:

  • Jira tasks, issues, projects

  • Confluence spaces and pages (including public links)

  • Jira administration

  • Confluence administration

If users aren't accessing these pages from an IP addresses in the allowlist, they see a message explaining why they don’t have access. Users also won't be able to access that product programmatically via the APIs.

If users access your products from a Chrome browser, it's possible that their IP address doesn't update when they connect to a different network. This is an issue if their new address is in an allowlist. If this happens, tell your users to clear their browser's cache by entering these keys: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + R.

Find your IP allowlists

To view your IP allowlists:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > IP allowlisting.

You will be able to access admin.atlassian.com even if the IP is outside the range of the allowlist.

Add an allowlist

You can set up 100 IP addresses or network blocks per product. We support IPv4 for individual IP address. If you're entering a network block, we support the CIDR notation standard for specifying a block of IP addresses. Refer to CIDR notation more details about how to use CIDR notation.

Some examples of values that you can add:




CIDR block

To add an allowlist:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > IP allowlisting.

  3. Select Create allowlist.

  4. From the popup that opens, enter details for your allowlist. From the IP addresses field, you can enter up to 100 IP addresses, separated by commas.

  5. Click Create to save the details.

When you create your allowlist, you can choose to apply immediately from the Enable? option. If you don't want to apply right away, you can apply the allowlist at any point from the toggle in the Enabled? column.

IP allowlist exceptions

In some cases, we cannot restrict access for users in your IP allowlist to specific information in Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence.

Regardless of your IP allowlists, users can always see the following information types:

Information types

How to find information


Recent history in @start.atlassian.com

To find Recent history, you go to Recent from the homepage in Confluence.

  • Jira at acme1.atlassian.net
    Restrict access for users in IP allowlist

  • Jira at acme2.jira.atlassian.net
    Don't restrict access for users in IP allowlist

When a user goes to start.atlassian.com in Jira, they can see recent history for both sites whether or not they are part of the IP allowlist

Notification details

To find Notifications, you select the {icon} to see notification details.

Smart Links that anyone shares in Confluence or Jira

To create a Smart Link, you copy and paste the URL to any page.

We also don't apply your IP allowlist restrictions to the following:

  • Application links that use TwoLeggedOAuth

  • Connect applications

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