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What will my users experience when I set a mobile policy?

After you create a mobile policy, your users will be required to comply with your policy each time they open the Jira Cloud, Confluence Cloud, and Opsgenie mobile apps – as long as they’re logged into an account associated with your organization.

If a user’s device doesn’t comply with the your minimum security requirements, they’ll see a full screen message on their device explaining the changes they need to make to their device settings. This message is unable to be dismissed and blocks use of the app until they make the required changes.

This example image illustrates one of the messages a user sees if their device doesn’t comply:

Illustration of the message a user sees when their device doesn't comply

The content in this message will be different depending on what requirement the device does not meet. Here’s an explanation of what content to expect in each part of the message:

  1. The app logo.

  2. Heading that briefly describes the action the user needs to take or the reason why their device isn’t compliant.

  3. Instructions that give further detail about why this is required and (if needed) the steps to help them carry out this action.

  4. Call-to-action (CTA) button that encourages users to update their device settings. It will either enable the setting immediately or take them to their device settings to update manually.

Each message is tailored with specific content and instructions depending on whether it’s an iOS or Android device.

How does this impact users with multiple accounts?

If you create a mobile policy and users are already logged in to an account associated with your organization, this message blocks them from accessing other accounts (such as a personal account) on the mobile app until they modify their device settings.

If a user doesn’t want to modify their device settings, they can delete the app and download it again. This logs them out of all accounts on their device. They can then access other accounts.

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