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What are audit log webhooks?

Establish a real-time streaming solution to automatically send audit log activities to a designated URL of your choice by registering a webhook.

Audit log webhooks are customized HTTP callbacks that trigger in response to audit log activities. When an activity occurs, the source system sends an HTTP request to the URL configured for the webhook. This ensures that the data is dispatched to the specified destination in an automated fashions.

This guide aims to streamline this process, automating the transmission of activities as soon as they are generated by the source system.

To enable the source application to dispatch webhook requests, the destination application must register a webhook URL with the source. Once the registration process for a specific activity is completed, you will start receiving webhook requests at the provided destination URL every time an activity occurs, providing you with real-time updates.

Who can do this?
Role: Organization admin
Plan: Enterprise plan for Jira or Confluence or Atlassian Guard Premium.

Register a webhook URL

You can't register more than one Webhook URL for an organization.

To register a webhook URL:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Audit log.

  3. Select Settings.

  4. Select the Webhook tab.

  5. Enter the Webhook URL (the destination where you wish to receive real-time activity updates)

  6. Enter secure authorization credentials using the <auth-scheme> <authorization-parameters> format. For example, Basic <credentials>

  7. Select Save.

You can test your webhook registration by selecting Send a test audit log event.

Audit log webhook settings

Remove webhook registration

This action will stop the webhook from being streamed to currently saved URL.

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Audit log.

  3. Select Settings.

  4. Select the Webhook tab.

  5. Select Remove registration.

  6. Select Remove to confirm.

Webhook registration has been removed.

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