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Data managed with BYOK encryption

BYOK encryption for Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence is available to all customers with Enterprise plans.

Product data types in scope and not in scope

Once you set up your BYOK encryption, certain product data is encrypted with keys hosted in your external AWS account.

The following table lists the product data types that are currently supported, as well as the product data types that aren’t supported.


✅ Currently supported

❌ Not supported

Jira Family

We currently support encryption for Jira and Jira Service Management. However, as the Jira family of products share the same database, some of the data encrypted for Jira and Jira Service Management extends to Jira Product Discovery on the same site. Otherwise, we don't support encryption for Jira Product Discovery.

Learn about Jira family of products

  • All attachments

  • Comments

  • In-product notification data

  • Jira issue and field content (including system and custom fields)

  • Jira search data

  • Board and sprint data

  • Permissions and restriction configuration data

  • Asset data (Jira Service Management)

  • Overview name

  • Rovo Search


  • Attachment metadata

  • Project configuration data (including workflows, custom field configuration, and board configuration)

  • Product analytics

  • Connected DevOps data (including commits, branches, pull requests, builds, deployments. feature flags, and remote links)

  • Rovo Chat

Jira Service Management Operations

Includes all attributes in the data types except the ones listed in the Not Supported column.

  • Alerts, escalations, and teams: alert, alert attachment, alert note, alert log, saved search, alert policy, escalation, maintenance, responder name, team, team log, platform team, team routing rules, notification preference, central notification setting, heartbeat

  • Schedule: schedule, schedule on-call events, schedule deleted rotation metadata, deleted schedule

  • User and team roles: user, deleted user, user saved search, user role, customer account log, customer tags, customer onboarding

  • Integrations: integration, integration action, integration action group, integration new framework, integration alias mapping

  • Chat: chat channel, chat conversation

  • JEC (Jira Edge Connector) channel name

  • Incident: incident, incident saved search, incident alert policy register, incident response role, incident template saved search, incident service, incident service saved search, incident service problem, incident service problem comment, incident service problem alert setting, incident external service, incident external service relation, incident status page entry, incident stakeholder notification email template, incident stakeholder notification info, incident log, incident note, incident timeline entry, stakeholder updates

  • Alerts, escalations, and teams: alert alias, alert messages. alert tags, policy name, escalation name, customer team role name, heartbeat name, alert saved search name, forwarding alias,

  • Schedule: schedule name, override alias

  • Integrations: integration name

  • Service: service name

  • Incident: incident messages, tags, (incident saved search) name, (incident response role) name lowercase, (incident service saved search) name, (incident external service) name


  • Page content

  • Blog content

  • Comments

  • Attachments

  • Confluence questions

  • Whiteboards

  • In-product notification data

  • Permission and restriction configuration data

  • Databases

  • Search data

  • Attachments metadata

  • Page and blog URL

  • Product analytics

  • Rovo Search

  • Rovo Chat

Atlassian Guard Standard


  • User account information data

  • Audit log events

All products


  • Atlassian Marketplace and app data

  • Cached content (up to 30 days)

  • Data in transit (up to 30 days)

  • Product, audit, and operational logs

  • Product analytics

  • Team profile information data

  • Third-party product integration data

  • User account information data

  • User analytics

Product data definitions



Asset data

All schemas, object types, and objects stored within Assets in Jira Service Management.

Atlassian Guard Standard

Atlassian Guard Standard (formerly known as Atlassian Access) is a subscription that you purchase for your whole company. It enables visibility and security across all Atlassian accounts and products, and gives you one place to manage your users and enforce security.

Atlassian Marketplace and app data

Data from Connect apps that may be stored outside of the Atlassian cloud environment by a third-party app vendor.

Attachment metadata

File names.


Files attached or added to Jira, Jira Service Management, or Confluence issues, pages, asset object, or other content.

Audit logs

Logs generated by admin actions.

Cached content

Content stored in a non-specified region for up to 30 days with the purpose of:

  • Progressive content migration to a nominated location

  • Temporary storage of transactional content, such as emails and notifications, until delivery has been confirmed or abandoned.

  • Temporary storage of query results and rendered charts for dashboards in Atlassian Analytics

Confluence Questions

Confluence embedded add-on feature for Q&A, including following data

  • CQ primary data being question title

  • question content

  • answer content

  • answer/question comments

Confluence search data

Data stored in Elasticsearch to enable Confluence search functions. While not yet in scope, the data is purged when BYOK customers initiate revocation of access to encryption keys.

Connected DevOps data

Data related to the Jira DevOps experience including:

  • commits

  • branches

  • pull Requests

  • builds

  • deployments

  • feature flags

  • remote links

Customer accounts

User data in your customer accounts for Jira Service Management projects. 

Data in transit

Data being processed or moved across, and not stored, by Atlassian store.

Incident management functionality data

The data used in functionality for the incident management feature powered by Opsgenie.

In-product notification data

Data related to Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence in-product notifications.

Jira Service Management features powered by Opsgenie

All features accessed through the Opsgenie URL. Some of these features are displayed in the Jira Service Management product screen.

Knowledge base category data

Categories for the Jira Service Management knowledge base, including description and configuration displayed in the portal when integrated with Confluence.

Operational logs

Atlassian system logs used for operational maintenance and diagnostic purposes.


Jira overviews are collections of projects that help you get a high-level and aggregated view of work spanning multiple business projects.

Page metadata

The data used to describe a Confluence space for the purpose of search indexing.

Permission and restriction configuration data

Data related to the configuration of product or site access permissions or restrictions.

Product analytics

Events fired by our cloud products for in-product user experience optimization and performance.

Product data at rest

Data added directly by a user, that has persisted for 30 days or longer in our cloud data stores.

Product logs

Logs generated by Jira and Confluence product changes related to content and configuration.

Rovo Chat

Rovo Chat is an AI assistant that operates across the entire Atlassian organization, assisting users with questions and tasks within the Atlassian ecosystem. It includes chat history, chat name, customer created chat agents with their names and descriptions.

Rovo Search

Rovo Search allows you to quickly find what you’re looking for. Rovo Search combines results from your Atlassian products (like Jira and Confluence) with results from other tools you connect.

SLA configuration data

Service Level Agreement text field names, time metric configuration, calendar configuration, and JQL queries for SLA Goal configurations.

Source data for notifications in emails

Data in an email with notification details. For example, an email that contains issue names and comments.

Team profile information data

Data related to your Atlassian team profile, including:

  • name, description, or header image

  • all team links information and activity

Third-party product integration data

Data from any product integrated with Jira, Jira Service Management, or Confluence. For example, a Github integration.

User account information data

Personal account information including:

  • name

  • email address

  • avatar

User analytics

Events fired by our cloud products to help understand experiences based on how a user interacts with products.

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