What gets migrated with Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant
The Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant (BCMA) will add data to a Bitbucket Cloud workspace without overwriting any existing data. This means you can migrate data to a new or existing Bitbucket Cloud workspace. Not all data can be migrated using the Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant.
This page outlines what is and isn’t migrated with the migration assistant. To see what this means for your data, we recommend using the migration assistant’s pre-migration report to check what will be migrated. This can be found under the Review and Migrate section when building a new plan. It can also be found within the View Details of a saved plan under the View Errors and Warnings section.
What is migrated | What isn't migrated |
Repository Git information
Pull request information
Atlassian administrated workspaces onlyFor information on how to obtain a Bitbucket Cloud workspace in your organization in Atlassian Administration, refer to our help documentation. Groups Choose which groups to migrate:
Permissions Choose which permissions to migrate:
Branch permissions & branch modeling
| Repository Git information
User metadata
Project data
Apps and app data
Atlassian administrated workspaces onlyFor information on how to obtain a Bitbucket Cloud workspace in your organization in Atlassian Administration, refer to our help documentation. Issue tracker and wikis
More information and support
To stay informed about the work being done on the migration assistant, keep an eye on our cloud migration roadmap.
We have a number of channels available to help you with your migration:
For more migration planning information, visit the Atlassian Migration Program website
For information on our APIs, that can be used migrate your Git information to the Cloud, refer to our developer documentation.
Technical issues or support with strategy and best practices, contact our support team
For peer advice, ask the Atlassian Community
For expert guidance, work with an Atlassian Partner
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