Troubleshoot migration with Confluence Migration Assistant

This page will help you troubleshooting problems that you might encounter when using the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant.

On the space selection screen, if some space information can't be calculated, the data for such spaces will be displayed as '--' with a warning. In this case, you've two options:

  • Wait for the next scheduled job to run, where the job runs once every 24 hours. You can then use the updated space data.

  • Manually run the job or change the job’s schedule from Confluence administration > Administration >  Scheduled Jobs.

However, before you run a job manually, consider the following from the Scheduled Jobs screen:

  • Review the Next Execution date and time. If this time falls within the next 5 to 10 minutes based on the server's local date and time, allow the scheduled job to proceed automatically instead of initiating it manually.

  • Check the Last Execution date and time. If the server's local time is within 5 to 10 minutes after the Last Execution date and time, then delay rerunning the job. This precaution is necessary because ongoing calculations might still be in the background. The Ended time shown in the History screen only signifies when the job schedule is finished and doesn't guarantee the completion status of the calculations.

Based on the above considerations, if you still need to run the job manually, do the following:

  1. Go to Confluence administration > Administration > Scheduled Jobs.

  2. In the Job column, look for the job scheduledjob.desc.migration-plugin:interval-space-statistic-calculation.

  3. In the Actions column for this job, select Run to run the job or Edit to change the job’s schedule. Learn more about scheduled jobs

Pre-migration checks

Pre-migration checks are a mandatory step of every migration. They make sure that your configuration is correct and that the data can be migrated to Cloud. Learn how to view pre-migration checks

Checks statuses

Here’s a brief description of statuses shown by pre-migration checks.



check successful

The check has passed. You can proceed with your migration.

Expand the warning message to view details and relevant links

You can proceed with your migration, but you need to be aware of a potential issue. Expand the warning messages to view details.

Expand the error message to view details and relevant links.

You can’t proceed with your migration until you resolve the error. Expand the error messages to view details.

System checks



Action required

The Migration Assistant is not up to date

This message indicates that the version of the Cloud Migration Assistant that you’re using is out of date.

Update to the latest supported version of the Cloud Migration Assistant.

Users and groups checks

All users will need to have a valid and unique email address. If we detect invalid emails or multiple users with the same email, you will get an error. You will need to fix these email addresses before you can run your migration.

If you have chosen to migrate all users, we will check to see if you have any groups with the same name already in your Cloud site. If we find groups with the same name, we will merge the users from the Server group into the Cloud group with the same name. You can continue with your migration without fixing this issue, but it’s important to check that this won’t cause permission escalation.

The following groups manage admin access and are blocklisted. They will not be migrated at all: "site-admins", "system-administrators", "atlassian-addons", "atlassian-addons-admin". Users in these groups will still be migrated; if you want them to be in one of the blocklisted groups you’ll need to manually add them after migration.

Space checks

If you’re migrating spaces we will check to see if there will be any space key conflicts. If you get an error you can:

  • delete duplicate spaces from your Cloud or Server sites

  • reset your Cloud site

  • choose not to migrate these spaces by removing them from your migration

You will need to resolve any space key conflicts before you can run your migration.

App-specific checks

The Cloud Migration Assistant lists errors and warnings when it checks apps for any issues that can potentially impact the migration of your apps. Learn more about pre-migration checks for apps

Learn more about pre-migration checks for apps

We also provide App vendor checks, which are checks that app vendors (Marketplace Partners) run on your instance to highlight and provide resolutions steps for issues that may impact the migration of their app’s data to cloud.

Learn more about app-vendor checks

Migration errors

Here’s a list of generic errors shown when a migration fails.



Error: Failed to add user to groups due to requesting user lacking permissions

This errors occurs because you don’t have organization admin and product admin permissions to the cloud site you are migrating to. Start the migration again after you have the required permissions.

Give users admin permissions

Error: Failed to execute export for query

Import to cloud failed. Message: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "AO_187CCC_SIDEBAR_LINK_pkey"

Reach out to the support team. They will make some changes to the cloud site database which will allow migrations to go through.

How to contact Atlassian support

If you’re unable to fix the problem using this page, contact support.

For a quicker response from the support team, it’s recommended that you share a support zip with the Atlassian Support team. Learn how to create a Support ZIP

More information and support

We have a number of channels available to help you with your migration.

Support for Atlassian Server products ends in February, 2024. Learn more about the Server end of support timeline.

Still need help?

The Atlassian Community is here for you.