Cloud migration trials for Data Center customers

Cloud migration trials are temporary cloud licenses available for Data Center customers. The trial license matches the user tier and length of your remaining Data Center subscription (up to 12 months).

Cloud migration trails can be useful for several reasons, including:

  • Explore the best of cloud-only features: experience the benefits of cross-product automation and analytics to boost productivity and showcase value to executives.

  • Prepare a transformation: Prepare and plan for your migration by testing your data in a sandbox before starting your actual migration.

  • Try out your favorite Marketplace apps: Use the trial to understand the capabilities of some Marketplace apps to transform your data footprint in cloud.

  • Unlock enterprise-grade security: Learn more about general security capabilities, and level up with Atlassian Guard for enforced SSO and user lifecycle management.

Available products and plans

Migration trials are available for:




Jira Cloud



Contact our team to try an enterprise plan.

Jira Service Management Cloud



Confluence Cloud



Bitbucket Cloud




Atlassian Guard Standard includes a free 30-day trial by default. You can also submit a ticket with our support team and our team will extend your Guard trial to match the length of your cloud migration trial. Learn more about Atlassian Guard.

Select Marketplace apps are also available for trial. You can activate app trials through the in-product Marketplace in your Jira and Confluence Cloud trial instances. See the Cloud Migration Trial FAQs for more information.

Eligibility for Cloud migration trials

Cloud migration trials are available at no cost to Data Center customers, for both Atlassian products and selected Marketplace apps. The trials are associated with an existing Support Entitlement Number (SEN) and align with your current maintenance period:

  • Trial Functionality: Your cloud migration trial is an evaluation license that operates similarly to a production license. However, there are a few limitations of trial licenses:

    • Support is not guaranteed and is limited to migration-specific help.

    • Financially backed SLAs are not available (only applicable to the premium tier).

    • Atlassian disclaims all obligations or liabilities for trial licenses.

    • Data on a trial license is not backed up.

    • Limit of 100 outbound emails daily.

  • Trial length: Your Cloud migration trial will last the duration of your remaining Data Center subscription and will end if your Data Center subscription period ends or is canceled. This applies to both products and apps of opted-in Marketplace Partners.

  • User tier included in the trial: Your trial will match your current user tier, up to 20,000 users. If you have more than 20,000 users and would like to try our cloud products, you can contact us to get started.

  • User tier eligible for the trial: You need a Commercial or Academic license with 11+ users to be eligible. Starter tiers (10 users or less) and Community license holders aren’t eligible, but you’re encouraged to explore Atlassian's Free Cloud plans. Learn more about Free Cloud plans

  • Expired license: If you have fewer than 60 days remaining on your Server maintenance or Data Center license, or if you have a lapsed or expired maintenance, you can still get a free 60-day cloud migration trial. This applies only to Atlassian products. For Marketplace apps, the trial always matches your remaining app license period. Learn how to migrate with an expired license.

Step-up credits and dual-licensing

What are step-up credits?

Like trading in a new phone, step-up credits allow you to trade in the remainder of your Data Center subscription for credit in the Cloud. Step-up credits are available only for annual subscriptions. Learn more about step-up credits.

What is dual licensing?

In dual licensing, you purchase an annual Cloud subscription and get your Server or Data Center license extended to the same period at no extra cost. This lets you use both Data Center and Cloud products as you test or migrate in phases. Dual licensing is available only for annual subscriptions. Learn more about dual licensing.

Cloud migration trials and billing

Your billing details are not required for Cloud migration trials. At the end of your trial, you’ll need to select a monthly or annual billing cycle to continue using Cloud:

  • Monthly subscriptions: You’ll receive an email before your trial ends to add your billing information. You can add your billing details until 7 days after your trial period. Once you add your billing details, your Cloud license will continue on a monthly payment plan.

  • Annual subscriptions: You can get a quote by going to > Manage  subscriptions > Choose annual payment. Note: Bitbucket Cloud does not offer annual subscriptions at this time.

If you haven’t subscribed at the end of your trial, you’ll be unsubscribed from all of your trials and your data will also be deleted after 15 days.

Note: Bitbucket Cloud plans using cloud migration trails will be downgraded to a free plan which allows up to five users. If your cloud migration trial plan has more than five users, your Bitbucket account will be set to read-only mode.

Cloud migration trials are subject to our Cloud Terms of Service and are treated like any Cloud trial. Learn more in our pricing and licensing FAQ.

Cloud migration trials and existing plans

You can add a Cloud migration trial to:

  • a Standard or Premium Cloud trial

  • an existing Free Cloud plan

  • an existing 7-day Cloud evaluation

  • an existing Cloud domain with no products enabled

  • a new Cloud site

Cloud migration trials cannot be applied to active paid Cloud subscriptions.

You may receive an email from Atlassian with a unique signup link. Be careful not to forward this link, as it can be claimed by anybody inside or outside of your organization. Note: This does not apply to Bitbucket Cloud.

When resetting, deleting, or reactivating an existing Cloud subscription, the Cloud migration trial will automatically carry over as long as it’s still valid and hasn’t expired.

Bitbucket Cloud migration trials

A Bitbucket Cloud migration trial requires you to create a workspace that will be your cloud destination while you are using your cloud migration trial. Bitbucket Cloud users can only obtain a cloud migration trial at or via the Claim a free Cloud Migration Trial page which also provides some helpful frequently asked questions around cloud migration trials.

Activate your Cloud migration trial

Depending on where you are in your migration journey, you can activate a Cloud Migration Trial through one of the following ways:

Activate your trial from the Atlassian website

  1. Go to

  2. Login to your Atlassian account when prompted (if you’re not already logged in).

  3. Select a license from the list.

  4. Select Activate trial.

Once you’ve done this, you can create a new Cloud site or destination, or select an existing site to apply your Cloud migration trial.

Note: A Bitbucket Cloud migration trial cannot be applied to an existing workspace. You are required to create a workspace that will be your cloud destination while you are using your cloud migration trial.

Activate your trial from

  1. Go to

  2. Expand the relevant Server or Data Center license.

  3. In the Cloud trial offer box, select Activate my trial.

Once you’ve done this, you can create a new Cloud site or destination, or select an existing site to apply your Cloud migration trial.

Note: A Bitbucket Cloud migration trial cannot be applied to an existing workspace. You are required to create a workspace that will be your cloud destination while you are using your cloud migration trial.

Activate your trial within the Migration Assistants

You can also activate your Cloud migration trial from within the Jira, Confluence, and Bitbucket migration assistants.

  1. From the Migration Assistant home screen, select the Migrate your data card. This will take you to the Migrations dashboard.

  2. Select Create new migration.

  3. In the Connect to your cloud site or destination step, select Get Jira Cloud trial, Get Confluence Cloud trial, or Get Bitbucket Cloud trial.

Activate Cloud migration trials for Marketplace apps

Cloud migration trials are available for selected Marketplace apps. Apps that are not eligible still include a free 30-day trial by default.

To activate the Cloud migration trial for your app:

  1. Find the app on Atlassian marketplace or within the Apps section of your cloud product.

  2. Check whether the app is eligible for the trial. Information about it will be shown on the app’s listing.

  3. Activate the trial and install the app. If the app is eligible, we’ll automatically extend the default 30-day trial to match your remaining app’s license period from Data Center. Otherwise, you can still use the free 30-day trial.

Criteria for apps

  • You need to have a Cloud migration trial activated in a cloud product where you install the app.

  • You need to have an active license for the app’s equivalent in Data Center.

  • The app must be eligible for a Cloud migration trial.

Good to know

  • If you have only one app license in Data Center, you can use the Cloud migration trial for an app in only one cloud product.

Forge apps

If your app is a Forge app and you have an active Data Center license for the app, you can request the Cloud migration trial via the support form. Follow the steps below to fill out the form:

  1. Select Product Trials and choose the topic Extend product trials.

  2. Select Cloud, and provide the SEN or EN of the product.

  3. In Your question field, you can add details, such asI want to activate Cloud migration trial for <app name>', including the SEN number from your license.

Activate multiple Cloud migration trials

Each Cloud migration trial is associated with a Data Center license and can only be activated once per SEN. If you own multiple self-managed licenses, you can activate separate Cloud migration trials for each.

If you plan to start a Cloud migration trial for more than one product, you must sign up for each Cloud migration trial separately. During the signup process for the second (and any subsequent) product, you’ll be able to select to use the site URL that you created for the first product.

We also offer shorter trials for many of our products. Visit Try Atlassian Products for Free to learn more.

More information and support

We have a number of channels available to help with your migration:


Still need help?

The Atlassian Community is here for you.