Get your users started in Cloud after migrating

Providing a warm welcome and making sure your users are set up for success in Cloud is critical to any migration.

Get it right, and your users will be productive faster, and be happy with the decision to move.

To help you prepare your users, we’ve put together this quick guide that walks you through some of the key changes to highlight – and excite – your users. Feel free to copy and paste relevant items, or share the entire page.

Key changes for Confluence and Jira

Change 1: Access your site through a new URL

After migrating, users will access your site through a new URL, which will follow a format like this:

  • Confluence:

  • Jira:

  • Bitbucket:

Pro tip 1: You can apply a site-wide banner in Jira or Confluence to redirect users to the new URL

Pro tip 2: Admins can set your ‘site home’ (the product that users land on when they go to

Pro tip 3: Have users update their URL bookmarks

Change 2: Log in with your email address

A key difference for end-users when they log in is that they’ll use their email address, instead of logging in with their username as they previously did for Server products.

  • If you are using SSO in Cloud, users will log in through SSO and have the same password

  • If you don’t have SSO, you’ll need to select “Forgot password” and enter a new password

  • Email address is mandatory and must be unique in the Cloud

  • You’ll need to add a new avatar

Learn more about user management differences

Change 3: Download the mobile Cloud apps for access on the go

Guide your users to the Atlassian apps, which work together to help them plan, track, and collaborate in real time, all from the palm of their hand.

If your team is already using the mobile apps, make sure they download the Cloud versions after the migration. The Server versions of the apps won't work.

Learn more about Jira and Confluence Cloud apps

Preview of Confluence Mobile on mobile devices

Key changes for Confluence

Change 1: Find your way faster with a new home page

The new Confluence home page and navigation features bring together the destinations, content, and activity that's most important to users in one convenient location. Home is the perfect place to start in Confluence as well as to reorient before moving on to a new piece of work.

Home features:

  • get back to recent pages - find pages recently drafted, published, visited, or starred

  • dive into spaces most frequented - navigate to starred and recently visited team, project, and knowledge base workspaces

  • keep up to date with activity feeds - browse a feed of activity happening on personal and team sites (personalised relevant feed feature coming later)

Learn how to use Confluence home to jump into work

Learn how to set up your site and spaces

Confluence homepage

Change 2: Enjoy a cleaner page editing experience

New pages will be created using the Confluence Cloud editor.  Pages created using the legacy editor continue to use that experience until you convert the page to the new editor.

Pro tip 1: Keep an eye on the Atlassian Cloud blog where product changes are announced weekly.

Learn more about Confluence Cloud editing improvements

Learn how to convert your old pages to the new editor

Key changes for Jira

Change 1: Team-managed projects

All users can create a team-managed project, even non-admins. If you're a Jira admin and you want to restrict this, you'll need to remove the “Create team-managed projects” permission.

Learn more about team-managed projects

Learn more about managing global permissions

Change 2: New issue view

The new issue view is where your users resolve issues, which means they may look at it a few hundred times a day (or even more). Good news: admins can customize where fields live on the new issue view for each issue type.

Learn more about the new issue view

Learn how to configure the default issue layout

We have focused tutorials for end users migrating from Jira Server to Jira Cloud. The tutorials describe how to perform common tasks in Jira, highlighting any differences between Cloud and Server. Learn more about the video tutorials

Key changes for Bitbucket

Code review experience

To help reviewers assess changes quickly, we've historically taken a ‘code-first’ design approach for the pull request view (reviewing and working in a pull request). Through several rounds of user testing, we optimized the new design around improving navigability for the reviewer, while reducing the need to context switch. 

We’re also working hard to create more parity between our Server and Cloud products with features like enforced merge checks, task creation, to-do lists, and side-by-side diff view. 

Built-in CI/CD

Bitbucket Pipelines is CI/CD for Bitbucket Cloud that’s built into the UI and sits alongside your repositories. When using Pipelines to deploy your code, application, or artifacts, Bitbucket provides you with the status of your deployment environments, and visibility over each environment's code changes. You can also configure your deployment environments so only specific branches or admins can deploy to them. Learn more about setting up and monitoring deployments in Bitbucket Pipelines

Bitbucket Pipes make it easier to build powerful, automated CI/CD workflows in a plug and play fashion without the hassle of managing integrations. We’ve worked with industry leaders including Microsoft, AWS, Slack, Google Cloud and more to build supported pipes that help automate your CI/CD pipeline, and made it simple to create your own pipe to help abstract any duplicated configuration across your repositories. Learn more about using Bitbucket Pipes in Pipelines

Integrations and app

The Bitbucket Cloud app ecosystem is different from Bitbucket Server. Some Server apps are unnecessary in our Cloud product, because they are already essential Bitbucket Cloud features, such as webhooks and snippets.

Bitbucket Cloud also contains a number of popular apps and integrations (and the list just keeps on growing). Bitbucket Cloud integrates with popular code scanning, quality, security, and artifact management tools, such as Slack, SonarCloud, Snyk, JFrog, AwesomeGraphs, and AWS Code Guru to name some of the more popular integrations. For more information and a more comprehensive list of other product integrations, refer to our Marketplace for the list of supported apps and integrations.

Learn about differences between Bitbucket Server and Cloud

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