Pre-migration checks for apps

This page lists the pre-migration warnings and errors that the Cloud Migration Assistant runs for apps you’ve selected as ‘Needed in Cloud’ on the ‘Assess your apps’ screen.

Warnings and errors highlight potential issues that can impact your app migration. We recommend that you resolve all issues before running the migration.

After you’ve assessed your apps, Atlassian can help prepare your Marketplace Partners for your app migration. Explore how to audit apps for your migration to cloud

App-specific pre-migration errors / warnings

This section lists the reasons for pre-migration check warnings or errors related to your apps.

1. Incomplete app assessment

  • Title: App assessment is incomplete

  • Description: Since you need to complete app assessment, you’ll be taken back to the app assessment table. You should assign statuses to each of the apps in your assessment. When app assessment is complete, re-running the check should display a green tick.

2. App version update required

  • Title: Some apps marked as 'Needed in cloud' on your server are out of date

  • Description: You'll need to update your apps in server to a version that’s compatible for app migration. Contact your Marketplace Partner for information on app versions that are compatible for app migration.

  • Title: You have not consented to app data migration

  • Description: You need to consent and agree to app migration on the ‘Agree to app migration’. Read our Jira and Confluence docs about the app migration agreement.

4. App isn’t installed on Cloud site

  • Title: Some 'Needed in cloud' apps are not installed on your cloud site

  • Description: You need to install all the apps that you have chosen as ‘Needed in Cloud’ on your Cloud site. You can do this on the ‘Install’ screen.

  • Title: Some apps marked as ‘Needed in cloud’ do not meet the migration success rate criteria

  • Description: If you have selected apps marked as Stage 1 that have unknown or low migration success rates, you will be given the option to:

    • remove the apps from the migration, or

    • proceed to migrate with the selected Stage 1 apps

6. App isn’t registered for migration notifications

  • Title: Some apps are not registered to receive migration notifications

  • Description: The app/s listed at the end of this check in the Cloud Migration Assistant have not registered with the Cloud Migration Assistant to receive migration notifications.
    To fix this problem, contact the specific app vendor (Marketplace Partner) of the app for support on how to register their cloud app for migration and receive migration notifications.

7. App requires cloud license update

  • Title: Some apps need a cloud license update

  • Description: You need to update the cloud license for the app/s listed in this check. Select the Manage app license button to view the ‘Manage apps’ screen.
    You can update the app for required licenses on this screen.

8. Check for migration warnings from app vendors

  • Title: App vendor checks

  • Description: App vendors (Marketplace Partners) may have run specific checks on the apps that you’ve marked as ‘Needed in cloud’. This allows app vendors to flag warnings for any issues that can fail your app migration, and also provide steps for you to resolve the same.

    Select the View all app vendor checks button on the check to view checks that may have run for your app/s. Continuing the migration without resolving app vendor warnings may decrease the chances of migrating your apps successfully.

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