Resolve duplicate group names to avoid permission escalation
Users and groups are centrally managed in Atlassian Cloud. This means members of groups with the same names will become members of a single group with that name when you migrate. This can introduce problems if these groups have different members in Jira and Confluence before migration.
How duplicate group names affect users and product access
Let’s look at an example. Acme has a group called team-leads
that has different members in Jira and Confluence. After migration, these people will all be members of the same team-leads
group, with product access coming from the group that was migrated first. When a group exists in cloud, we migrate its users, but not the group itself.

This can have an impact on what people can see and do, and also on your bill, as you may be granting product access to more people than you expected.
Resolve duplicate group names before your migrate
You should resolve any group name conflicts before migrating. There are some ways in which you can do this, for example:
Renaming server groups (this can be done only by modifying the database)
Renaming cloud groups
Creating new groups and moving your users
Learn how to resolve duplicate group names
Next steps
When you’re ready, check whether you have enough cloud licenses for the migrated users. Learn how to check if you have enough licenses
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