How Advanced Roadmaps plans are migrated

The Advanced Roadmaps feature of server / Data Center is referred to as the advanced planning capabilities in Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise. You access it the same way in cloud as you do in server via the Plans menu in your Jira navigation bar.

The Jira Cloud Migration Assistant allows you to migrate your Advanced Roadmaps plans along with issue sources that are projects, filters, single-project or cross-project boards from server / Data Center to cloud.

Supported version of Advanced Roadmaps

You need to be on the supported version of Advanced Roadmaps:

  • For Jira Software Data Center 8.15 and higher, it’s the bundled version of Advanced Roadmaps.

  • For Jira Server or Data Center 8.14 and lower, it’s Advanced Roadmaps 3.17, or later.

Migrate Advanced Roadmaps plans

You can select one of the following options in Jira Cloud Migration Assistant:



Only plans related to select projects

This option allows you to migrate Advanced Roadmaps plans related to selected projects.

Based on your option selection for Advanced Roadmaps, you can select one of the following from the Boards and filters selection:

  • Only filters and boards shared or created with selected projects and Advanced Roadmaps plans

  • All filters and cross-project boards

The None option is disabled in the Boards and filters selection. This ensures the inclusion of associated boards and filters with the Advanced Roadmaps migration.

All plans

This option allows you to migrate all Advanced Roadmaps plans from your instance.

Similar to the previous option, only the None option is disabled in the Boards and filters selection. This ensures the inclusion of associated boards and filters.


No Advanced Roadmaps plans will be included for migration.

Existing Server/Data Center plans will retain their original date field configuration (e.g. Target start and Target end date). New plans created in Cloud will use the default Start date and Due date fields

Note that:

  • You may not have selected all the relevant projects of a plan. You can still continue to migrate the Advanced Roadmaps plans with the partial data. In the subsequent migrations, when you are migrating projects relevant to plans, you must select Only plans related to select projects or All plans option to remigrate the plans with the missing data.

  • If the issue sources are migrated at a different time from the Advanced Roadmaps plan they belong to, you can still migrate the plan later. However, you must select the plan for migration after its issue sources have been migrated to ensure proper linking in cloud.

What data is migrated

The following data is migrated:

What is migrated

What isn’t migrated

  • Plans with issue sources as projects

  • Plans that have issue sources as private filters

  • Plans with issue sources as single- or cross-project boards

  • Plans that have issue sources as filters

  • Users and groups

  • Shared teams

  • Global configuration

  • Custom issue types, custom fields and custom hierarchy mapping

  • Live plans will be migrated as plans with improved interface

  • Classic plans

  • Scenario data

  • Saved views

  • User defined custom fields of type

    • Parent Link

    • Team

    • Target start

    • Target end

How best to migrate Advanced Roadmaps

Here’s a few tips on the best way to migrate Advanced Roadmaps.

Migrate your project along with your Advanced Roadmaps plans

If you’re planning to migrate in multiple phases, we recommend that you:

  1. Review step 11 from the Jira pre-migration checklist to get a list of plans and projects.

  2. In the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant, select the first set of projects you want to migrate.

  3. In the Select Advanced Roadmaps screen, select Only plans related to select projects or All plans.

  4. In the Select Boards and filters screen, select Only filters and boards shared or created with selected projects and plans or All filters and cross-project boards.

  5. Select other entities and run the migration.

  6. Create another migration with the next set of projects.

  7. In the Select Advanced Roadmaps screen, select Only plans related to select projects or All plans.
    Note: To ensure the right linking of projects and plans, ensure that your selection is set to Only plans related to select projects or All plans at all times.

  8. Make other selections and run the migration.

  9. In the subsequent migrations, repeat steps 6 through 8 until all your projects are in the cloud.

Don’t make updates during migration

If you update issue sources or cross-project releases while migrating, the latest updates won’t be migrated.

  • If you update issue sources, you’ll have to migrate the latest changes to the plans again.

  • If you update cross-project releases, you’ll have to delete them in your destination cloud site, and then migrate the changes to the plans again.

When Advanced Roadmaps is installed and you migrate issues, epic links from custom issues at and above the epic (or custom epic) don’t get migrated.

Epic links that do not get migrated

If your epic link data is important to maintain, you can move any affected issue types to the base level in your issue hierarchy.

  1. In the navigation bar, select Plans > Administration, and then choose Hierarchy configuration from the sidebar.

  2. Locate and deselect the affected issue type(s) under the Jira Issue Types column, and select Apply. This will remove the issue type from its current level.

Hierarchy configuration

3. Select Save changes.

How to maintain the issue hierarchy

You can maintain your epic relationships by changing them to different relationships using linked issues.

  1. Open the issue that you want to link to.

  2. Select More > Link.

  3. In the Link window, select Jira Issue

  4. Select the type of issue link. For example, for This issue, select ‘relates to.’

  5. Specify the issue(s) you want to link to by doing one of the following:

    • Type the full issue key. For example, type ‘TRYPROJ1-2’.

    • Select search for an issue to perform a text search or an advanced search.

  6. Add a comment to describe why you're linking these issues and select Link.

  7. Select Epic Link and remove the epic.

More information and support

We have a number of channels available to help you with your migration.

Support for Atlassian Server products ends in February, 2024. Learn more about the Server end of support timeline.


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