Manage and monitor your Confluence migrations

When you save or run a migration, it’s added to your Migrations dashboard where you can view the details and monitor the progress.

The dashboard lets you:

  • View the details of every migration, including summary of migrated data

  • Run, copy, edit, delete, and archive your migration plans

  • Monitor the progress of an ongoing migration and see the results

  • View pre-migration checks to see warnings and errors

Migrations dashboard

You can access the dashboard by opening the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant.

Actions and status on migrations dashboard
View the archived migrations

Migration status

The table below describes the possible statuses for your migrations:




Your migration is saved and ready to run.


Your migration is currently in progress.


All tasks in your migration have been completed.

Learn more about post-migration tasks


Your migration has been manually stopped. Once stopped, it can't be resumed. Any step already in progress will first need to finish before the migration is shown as fully stopped. Some users, groups and spaces may already have been migrated to your Confluence Cloud site.


Some tasks were completed, but there are some errors or some things that couldn’t be migrated. Importantly, this status means that some data (users, groups, spaces, etc.) has been migrated, and you may need to clear this data from your cloud site if you re-migrate the same projects. Also, app migration is triggered when a migration is successful or incomplete.


We were unable to complete the migration. This might be because a project key already exists in the destination site, or the migration hit an unexpected error.

Migration details and progress

You can view the following details for each migration plan by selecting View details from the migration dashboard:

  • Configuration information

  • Progress of migration data including users and groups, global templates, spaces, and attachments

  • Progress of migration of apps

Configuration overview

Overview of your migration that shows configuration details and migration status.

Migration progress and details

Data migration progress

The Data migration progress section shows details and status of migrated items.

Confluence data included in your migration

The migration of global templates, spaces, and users and groups can be described with the following statuses:




Error found during data migration, and migration has failed.


Migration has been completed.


Migration is ready to run.


Migration is in progress and not yet complete.


This status is only for spaces. Space data migration is ignored because of any of the following reasons:

  • Space is no longer found on the server instance and therefore, can't be migrated.

  • Spaces have already been imported or is being imported by another migration.

Global templates migration is ignored because of any of the following reasons:

  • Global templates are no longer found on the server instance and therefore, can't be migrated.

  • Duplicate global templates are found on the cloud site and therefore, can't be migrated.


Migration is incomplete.

App migration

Here you can find information related to app migration.

Monitor your app migration

The details in the App migration progress section displays the following to monitor or review the progress of your app migration:

  • app status

  • app migration logs

Progress of migration of apps
Details and progress of app migration

If you have issues with any app for non-completion or failure to migrate, you should contact the Marketplace Partner (the app vendor) directly for support.

App migration statuses




The app data migration is complete, and was successful.


The app data migration is not complete. Select Re-run to retry an incomplete app migration. If the app’s migration continues to be unsuccessful, contact your Marketplace Partner (app vendor) for support.


The app data migration has failed. Select Re-run to retry a failed app migration. If the app’s migration continues to fail, contact your Marketplace Partner (app vendor) for support.


The app data migration is still running, and is not complete.


The app data migration is ready to run.


The app data migration is not complete. This is because the app has exceeded the permitted time period to migrate data. You can contact the respective app vendor for information on how to proceed with migrating data for the app.

App migration progress logs

The Cloud Migration Assistant provides log files you can download to monitor the migration progress and status of every app. You can find the View logs button on the ‘This migration includes' tab for each app.

To view app logs:

  1. Open the migration plan screen.

  2. Navigate to the This migration includes tab > Apps section > Activity logs column. You’ll find a View logs link for every app selected for migration.

  3. Select View logs for an app to download a CSV file that details the progress of your app’s migration.


  • Log files have a 30-day event history limit. This means that logs will only list the most relevant events of the app’s migration in the last 30 days since the app’s migration started.

  • The log file begin with listing the most recent events, and are updated until you’ve downloaded the log file. You can download the file again for the most updated list of events.

  • Each log file is limited to the latest 4000 events.

  • The View logs link may be disabled if:

    • the app migration could not be found in cloud.

    • the logs have expired (has exceeded the 30-day event history limit).

    • the app does not have an automated path.

    • the app migration has not yet started.

Re-run an app migration

You can re-run an unsuccessful app migration for individual apps that display a failed or incomplete status, without having to create a completely new migration plan. This feature allows the Cloud Migration Assistant to retry an app’s migration, and resolve issues that may have previously failed or left the app’s migration to be incomplete.

To re-run an app, select Re-run in the ‘App migration progress’ table.

Re-run limits

  • Re-run the app migration within 12 days of when you first started running the original migration. The app re-run feature will not be available for apps after the 12-day time-limit.

  • This features is only available for apps that display the failed or incomplete status. It may not be available for certain apps that don’t support this feature.

Cancel an app migration

You can cancel the migration of individual apps, if they appear to be stuck, take too long to migrate, or if you’ve changed your mind about migrating an app. This feature gives you better control over your app migration, as canceling a specific app does not affect the progress of any other apps you have in the migration.

After an app has started canceling, this action cannot be reversed.

We recommend that you:

  • Contact your Marketplace Partner before canceling an app migration to check the migration progress to avoid canceling an otherwise smoothly running migration

  • Check your CMA progress logs to understand the status of your app data migration

  • Contact your Marketplace Partner after canceling an app migration to verify if any app data was migrated to cloud, and for any further guidance they may provide

You can find the Cancel option under the Actions column.

After you migrate

Depending on the type of migration, there may be some things you need to do once your migration is finished.

Users and groups

To make sure your users and groups are set up correctly:

  • Review members of groups and approve their permissions by going to Review imported groups. (If you have the Free plan, permissions can’t be modified; users and groups retain the same permissions that they had on your original site.)

  • Add users to the generic groups if necessary. The generic groups are: "site-admins", "system-administrators", "atlassian-addons", and "atlassian-addons-admin".

  • If you use an external user management system, check that your users have synced correctly.

  • When you are ready, invite your users. Go to Administration > Users > Show details and then Resend invite. When they first log in they may be prompted to set a new password and add personal details.

If you have the improved user management experience, go to Administration > Directory > Users > Show details and then Resend invite.


After migrating spaces, it may take a while for them to appear in the space directory. However, you can still access them via a direct link.

To check that your spaces have migrated successfully:

  • Review content and spaces, or ask your users to review their own content.

  • Check for any instances of Former User. This means that we were unable to match content to a user.

  • Link your other Atlassian products by going to Settings > Application links.

  • Use the Jira macro repair to update any links to Jira. On your Cloud site go to Settings > Jira macro repair and follow the steps.

Confluence short links like may not work after migrating. Replacing them with internal links (or full URLs if they’re not in your Confluence site) before migrating should solve this issue. Learn more about links

Additional actions

You can also perform the following additional actions:

  • convert pages in the legacy editor to the new editor. Learn how to convert pages

  • install any apps you wish to use and onboard your users.

  • review whether people on your site should be allowed to use public links to share pages externally with anyone on the internet. For new migrators after October 16, public links will be enabled by default. Learn more about public links

For the full overview of post-migration actions check out the Cloud migration guide

More information and support

We have a number of channels available to help you with your migration.

Support for Atlassian Server products ends in February, 2024. Learn more about the Server end of support timeline.

Still need help?

The Atlassian Community is here for you.