Get started with migrating users to Atlassian Cloud

This guide will help you migrate your users to Atlassian Cloud. You’ll learn about the differences in cloud user management, problems that you might encounter during the migration, and how to prepare for the move.

How user management works in Atlassian Cloud

User management in cloud is quite different from what you know from server. Knowing the main concepts will help you understand the migration better.

Learn how user management works in Atlassian Cloud

Plan your user migration

Understand user migrations so you can avoid bigger issues. You’ll also learn whether you need to complete the (Optional) topics from this guide.

  1. Determine your user migration strategy

  2. Check whether you need Atlassian Guard and a cloud IdP

  3. Understand problems with duplicate or re-migrated groups

  4. Understand problems with nested groups

Prepare users for the migration

Cloud has additional requirements when it comes to users. Any users that don’t meet them will block your migration.

  1. Assess and prepare users by fixing their email addresses

  2. Review email domains and mark them as trusted

  3. Resolve duplicate group names to avoid permission escalation

  4. Check if you have enough cloud licenses for users

Set up cloud user management for the migration

You can also complete this section after migrating your users.

Set up user management in Atlassian Cloud to get your environment ready for users.

  1. Verify domains and claim managed accounts

  2. (Optional) Prepare for and set up Atlassian Guard

  3. (Optional) Choose the right identity provider for the migration

  4. (Optional) Set up user provisioning and SSO for the migration

Migrate users and groups to Atlassian Cloud

With everything ready, use the cloud migration assistant to migrate your users.

  1. Migrate users and groups before other data

  2. Review product access for migrated groups

  3. Reassign admins to blocklisted admin groups

  4. Invite users to Atlassian Cloud

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