Fix duplicated email addresses in simple experience

This page shows options available in the migration assistant to automatically fix duplicated email addresses.

Start with the user assessment

If you stumbled here by accident, make sure to start with the landing page that shows how to run the assessment and update important users in your user directory.

Learn how to assess your users

Before you begin

Check this information before you start.

Users from external directories

If you have an external directory connected to Jira, we recommend that you fix important users in the active directory and apply the Merge duplicated users option to the remaining users. Treating users with the same email address as a single user and migrating them as such helps you avoid problems after you sync the directory to Cloud.

Changing options between migrations

For duplicated emails, choose one option and stick to it until you complete the whole migration. Changing options during migration (after migrating only some projects) might result in data inconsistency and some users ending up duplicated in cloud.

Learn more about changing options when fixing duplicated email addresses

Choose an option to automatically fix users during migration

Choose one of the automatic options to fix the remaining users during migration.

  • The changes will be applied to users created in cloud, not your original users.

  • The changes won’t be applied right away, but only after you start a migration.

Options available in the migration assistant

Here’s an overview of options you can choose:

Do nothing

We won’t make any changes. Your migration will be blocked unless you update users in your user directory.

Merge duplicated users

Users who share the same email address will be merged into a single account.

  • One account is chosen randomly as the main account that includes content and activity from the remaining accounts.

  • Permissions and groups are also merged. If one user had admin permissions, the merged account will also have these permissions in Cloud. This also includes accounts that were deactivated in Server or Data Center.

  • User profiles aren’t migrated, so avatars or preferences won’t be included.

In Server or Data Center

In Cloud

Merge duplicated users up to a certain date (Jira only)

Users who last logged in before the chosen date, or who never logged in:

  • Are merged into a single account. For more details, see the Merge duplicated users option above.

Users who logged in after the chosen date:

  • Receive pre-generated email addresses and are migrated as individual and active users. For more info, see the Create new emails option below.

Create new emails

Users get pre-generated email addresses that unblock the migration, because they’re valid and unique. Users with such emails:

  • Are migrated as active and individual users

  • Consume the license if they’re migrated into a group with product access

  • Have every activity, such as comments or history, preserved and correctly displayed under their name

  • Can’t log in, because they don’t have access to the email address

This option isn’t used to preserve access for users, but to preserve their identity. The email address is based on userID and a domain most common in your user directory.

In Server or Data Center

In Cloud

Update users based on a CSV file (Jira only)

Use the CSV file to apply to fixes to your users in a more granular way, for example by migrating most of them as Former users and only selecting just a few that should get new email addresses.

Learn how to use the CSV file

Next steps

Select Review changes to see the updated results. You’ll then have an option to apply your changes to every migration you created in the assistant. When you start to migrate, the users created in Cloud will reflect the changes you’ve chosen here.

When you’re ready, proceed to reviewing email domains.

Learn how to review email domains


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