Cloud migration methods for Bitbucket

The Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant is the recommended method to migrate your repositories and pull requests from Server or Data Center to Bitbucket Cloud. The migration assistant is built and maintained by Atlassian and free to install and use.

Any active users in your Bitbucket Server or Data Center instance are also migrated to your Bitbucket Cloud workspace, where you can go to access them and provide the proper permissions and settings across your workflows.

Learn more about using the Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant



  • Choose what projects and repositories you want to migrate

  • Be guided through the migration with an easy-to-use interface

  • Identify any problems with your data before you migrate

  • Migrate in phases if needed

  • You must be using version 7.0 or later of Bitbucket Server to install and use the Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant

  • Repository size limit: 4GB

  • User permissions and group memberships are not migrated

  • Any apps and integrations are not migrated at this time.

  • Project settings and permissions are not migrated. We're currently working on implementing project settings and permissions in Bitbucket Cloud. See our Cloud Roadmap

  • Branch permissions aren’t migrated

  • Pull request attachments (such as images and videos) are not migrated

We are actively working on implementing some of these limitations into the Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant.

Plan your migration

When you’re ready for the next step, plan your Bitbucket Server/Data Center to Cloud migration by reviewing and completing the steps from the Bitbucket pre-migration checklist.

Learn more about the Bitbucket pre-migration checklist

More information and support

We have a number of channels available to help you with your migration.

Still need help?

The Atlassian Community is here for you.