Choose the right identity provider for the migration

Atlassian Cloud supports many identity providers, but some are better if you’re migrating from Server or Data Center, because of the differences in cloud user management.

When creating this list, we focused on the following features:

  • Nested groups: They aren’t supported in cloud, that’s why you need a way to flatten them.

  • Atlassian Guard Standard: Additional subscription that enables SCIM user provisioning and SAML single sign-on, required for most IdPs.

Supported identity providers in cloud

The following list shows identity providers supported for user provisioning.

Atlassian Cloud supports more identity providers, but we were unable to verify whether they support the features useful for migrations. If your provider is not listed here, check all supported IdPs. Learn more about supported identity providers

Identity provider

Flattens nested groups?

Requires Atlassian Guard Standard?

Google Workspace

(without Atlassian Guard)

No, in the default version all users are synced into a single All users group.


Google Workspace

(with Atlassian Guard)

Yes, when syncing to cloud


Microsoft Azure AD

(Azure AD for nested groups)

Yes, when syncing to cloud


Microsoft Azure AD





Yes, natively



Yes, natively



Yes, natively


Ping Identity

Yes, natively


If you don’t have an identity provider, Atlassian offers a partnership with Okta for a free account. Learn how to create an Okta account

Next steps

When you’re ready, set up user provisioning and single sign-on with your identity provider. Learn how to set up user provisioning and single sign-on

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