Assess your users to find invalid and duplicated emails

Assess your user base to find users with invalid or duplicated email addresses that will block your migration. You can run the user assessment in the Jira or Confluence migration assistant.

Before you begin

For details on how assessing users works, see How does user assessment work?

Assess your users to find the ones with wrong emails

You can assess your users at any time to get a better understanding of your user base, but you should repeat it closer to the migration date to identify any changes or new users.

To assess your users:

  1. Open the migration assistant:

    • For Jira, go to Administration > System > Migrate to cloud.

    • For Confluence, go to Administration > Migration Assistant.

  2. On the home screen, find the Assess and prepare your users card, and select Begin assessing.

  3. You’ll see a page with empty results. To start the assessment, select Begin assessing.

Once the assessment is complete, you’ll see the results, like below:

User assessment results in Jira Cloud Migration Assistant
  • Invalid email addresses: Number of users whose addresses are invalid.

  • Duplicated email accounts: Number of email accounts that are shared by multiple users. This metric doesn’t count each duplicate separately.

If an email address is both invalid and duplicated, we’ll count it as invalid.

To start fixing or customizing your users, select Fix or customize users. You’ll be moved to the next screen where you can choose between the simple or advanced experience.

Choose the level of customization you need: simple or advanced

On the next screen, choose the level of customization. If you don’t need to customize your users in detail but only quickly fix problems, choose the simple experience.

Depending on you choice, follow one of these pages:

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