Assess apps with the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant

This page shows you how to assess your apps before testing and running your migration. During this process you can streamline your decision making process about whether the apps you have installed in Server or Data Center are needed cloud, or whether you prefer to choose and install an alternative app for cloud.

Perform Cloud app security assessments with your Marketplace Partners

If you have critical data managed by apps on your Server, be sure to check with the Marketplace Partner (app vendor) about the best process to migrate that data.

The Cloud Migration Assistant does not perform a security assessment for app data migration to Cloud. It is important that you check with individual Marketplace Partners about whether their Cloud apps meet your security, legal and regulatory standards.

Begin assessing your apps

On the ‘Migration Assistant home’ screen, select Assess your apps.
This takes you to the ‘Assess your apps’ screen where you can see all the apps you have installed on your server.


Understand the ‘Assess your apps’ screen

The ‘Assess your apps' screen can be complex if you're new to migrating apps. The sections that follow explains the symbols and terms within the columns on this screen.


  • Installed apps: Lists all the apps installed on your server application

  • Cloud availability: Displays whether a cloud version of the app is available. Details about the options in this column are given in the table that follows

  • Migration path: Displays whether a migration path exists for the app data to be migrated to cloud. Details about the options in this column are given in the table that follows

  • Appears on: This column shows you how many pages the macros of a given app appears on in the last 30 days

  • Viewed by: This column shows you how many views the macros of a given app appears on in the last 30 days

  • Decision: Displays the migration decisions you can make for the app. Details about the options in this column are given in the table that follows

Side panel

When users click on an app in the table, the screen displays a side panel with further details about the app like:

  • general information about the cloud app like its availability in cloud, feature differences, migration path type, stage

  • links to raise support requests with the app, and the app’s status page (where available)

  • privacy & security information (as detailed in Marketplace)

Understand the ‘Cloud availability’ column

This column shows you if the Marketplace Partner has built a cloud version of the app installed on your server.

Status options


alt="Yes icon and link to Marketplace Partner page."

Symbol: The green tick indicates that a cloud version of the app exists.

View differences: This text link takes you to the relevant Marketplace Partner (app vendor) page where you can review the differences between the cloud and server version of the app.

alt="Yes icon and link to Marketplace Partner page."

Symbol: The green tick indicates that a cloud version of the app exists.

View listing: This text link takes you to app listing on Atlassian Marketplace.

alt="Contact vendor icon and link in CCMA"

Symbol: The grey question mark indicates that Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant cannot retrieve information from the server app about whether a cloud app exists. This is most likely due to technical reasons.

Contact vendor: This text link takes you to the Marketplace Partner support page where you can contact them directly regarding the availability of a cloud app.

alt="No icon and text in CCMA"

Symbol: The red cross indicates that a cloud version of the app does not exist.

No: This app is not available in cloud. You can use an alternative app, select Choose Alternative option from the Decision column, and continue with this assessment.

Understand the ‘Migration path’ column

This column displays whether the Marketplace Partner (app vendor) has a migration path that customers can use to migrate their app data from server to cloud.

Status options



This status indicates that you can migrate this app to cloud using an automated path that the Marketplace Partner (app vendor) has built with the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant.

Automated path text link takes you to the respective Marketplace Partner documentation to read about their available automated migration path. If this text link is disabled, the Marketplace Partner has not provided links to their migration documentation and you will need to contact them directly for the same.

Automated path status is for apps in either Stage 2 or Stage 1

Apps in Stage 2 have demonstrated high migration success rates.

Note that apps in Stage 1 have unknown or demonstrated low migration success rates.

If you choose to migrate Stage 1 apps and the app data migration fails, you will need to contact the respective Marketplace Partner (app vendor) for support.


This status is for Install-only apps.

This is an install-only app, you will only need to install the cloud version of the app using the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant. Data of these apps is embedded in ‘core product data’ like projects and issues, which is migrated when the ‘core product data’ is migrated.

This text link takes you to the respective Marketplace Partner migration documentation.

View path

View path indicates that you can migrate this app to cloud using a migration path developed by the Marketplace Partner, and not using the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant.
This label links customers to the Marketplace Partner migration strategy to migrate you app data without using the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant.

Upgrade app

Upgrade app indicates that although this app has an equivalent cloud app, you are using a server app version that is not compatible with the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant (CCMA).

Recommended action:

  • You will need to upgrade to a server app version that supports CCMA.

  • After you have upgraded to a supported server app version, you must redo this app assessment. At that point, the Upgrade app status of this column should change to Automated path.

This text link takes you to upgrade options in the ‘Manage your apps’ section within your server instance.

Contact vendor

The app has an equivalent cloud app. However, the Marketplace Partner probably has not yet built a migration path to migrate your app data to their cloud app.

Note: This status can also appear if the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant is unable to retrieve information from the server app for technical reasons.

The Contact vendor label links you to the support section of the Marketplace Partner listing.


The app does not have an equivalent cloud app. This means that you cannot migrate your app data to cloud for this app, until the Marketplace Partner builds a cloud app and migration path.

Understand the ‘Decision’ column

The options in this column allow you to make a decision for each app based on how you want to proceed the migration for the app.

The Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant also allows you to return to the ‘Assess your apps’ screen and change the decision that you have made for an app.

Status options


Needed in cloud

You can use this option when you know you need to migrate an app and its data to a cloud instance. 

Not needed in cloud

You can use this option, if an app doesn't need to be migrated to your cloud instance. This could be because:

  • it's already installed on an existing cloud site 

  • there is native functionality in cloud that replaces the need for the app, or 

  • your end users are not engaging with the app on server, and you see no need for it to be migrated.   

During your audit, you should get an idea from your end-users if an app is useful and necessary. You can look at columns in the table such as appears on and viewed by, to get an idea of what the usage is.

Use alternative

Not every Marketplace Partner (previously known as app vendor) with a server app available on the Atlassian Marketplace has created a cloud version, or your requirements around a particular functionality may shift. In these cases, you may wish to use a different app in cloud, than the one you have installed on your server. 

Selecting this option for an app will allow you to choose an alternative app later in the flow.

Read more about choosing alternative apps towards the end of this page.

Choose app alternatives

If you have selected the Choose alternative option for any of your apps in the Decision column, you next be prompted to choose the app alternatives you need.

If you no longer need an app on your cloud instance, go back a screen and change the status to Not needed in cloud. This removes the app from the list of apps that will require an alternative.

Learn more about alternatives to your existing apps

Inform your Marketplace Partners

After you’ve started assessing your apps, Atlassian can help prepare your Marketplace Partners for your app migration. Informing Marketplace Partners early about your intention to migrate their app, helps them prepare for the size and complexity of your app migration. Explore how to audit apps for your migration to cloud

After completing your app assessment in the Cloud Migration Assistant, the next important step is to inform individual Marketplace Partners/app vendors of your migration decision. More specifically, ensure that you have contacted the Marketplace Partners of all the apps that you’ve marked as ‘Needed in Cloud’ in the Assess your apps screen of the Cloud Migration Assistant.

Informing Marketplace Partners early about your intention to migrate their app helps them understand, plan, schedule and prepare for the size and complexity of your app migration.

Provide the Marketplace Partner with:

  • your planned migration schedule (including updates about changes to your migration plans)

  • security considerations

  • the level of support you require, and

  • any other app specifics that would be valuable for them to know before you continue to install, test and migrate the app to Cloud.

The migration of app data is highly dependent on the Marketplace Partner (vendors/app developers) of each app, as they will need to provide a migration path to move app data to cloud. We recommend you work with Marketplace Partners of the apps you intend to migrate to review their documentation and determine the best way to migrate each app.

Apps do not need to be disabled or uninstalled from Server before migrating. If your apps are still active when the migration occurs, the migration will still be successful.

Learn more in Cloud migration guide

Frequently asked questions

This section provides information about problems you may experience when migrating app data using the Cloud Migration Assistant.

Pre-migration issues

Problem: Your server app is unavailable in cloud

Likely cause: Your Marketplace Partner/app vendor has either not developed a Cloud app, or does not have a migration path to move your Server app data to Cloud.
If you’re on the ‘Asses your apps’ screen of the Cloud Migration Assistant:

  • the ‘Cloud availability’ column will display a red cross with No if your server app does not have a Cloud app version available

  • the ‘Migration path’ column will display No if your Marketplace Partner has not built a path to migrate their app data to Cloud

Marketplace Partners may choose not to build a cloud version of their Data Center and Server apps because:

  • the app may not be technically feasible for Cloud

  • the app’s features are now native features in the Atlassian Cloud platform

  • the Marketplace Partner has made a business decision to not build a Cloud app

Solution: Learn more about apps with migration paths

Who to contact for support: The app vendor / Marketplace Partner

More information: Learn more about alternatives to your existing apps

Problem: You server app version does not support migration using the Cloud Migration Assistant

Likely cause: The Cloud Migration Assistant may display an ‘Upgrade app’ warning in the ‘Migration path’ column and as a flag message in the side panel of the Assess your apps screen. This means that you will need to upgrade your Server app to the version supported by the Cloud Migration Assistant.

Solution: Contact your app vendor / Marketplace Partner to identify the server app version that supports app migration with the Cloud Migration Assistant. Next, install the supported version of the server app, and then perform the app assessment again.


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