Assess and migrate apps with the Cloud Migration Assistant

When should I assess my apps?

Assessing your apps is part of the migration process and ideally is done as part of the Assess phase.


If you need assistance knowing which stage you're in, there are a few specific scenarios listed below based on migration stages that could be relevant for you.


Recommended solution

I need to assess my apps but haven't yet planned the rest of my cloud migration

Check an overview of migration planning in our migration guide:

Cloud migration guide

I want to learn more about the strategic benefits of an audit prior to migrating my apps

Review our guide related to apps before starting your app assessment:

Audit apps for your migration to cloud

My migration is mostly complete and assessing my apps is one of the last steps

Check our product pre-migration checklists to make sure you’re completely ready:

My migration is ready to test, or I want to check out a cloud instance

Check Cloud migration trials that are designed with on-premise customers in mind:

Cloud migration trials for Server and Data Center customers

Familiarizing yourself with the assessment table

The assess your apps screen can be complex if you're new to migrating apps, so we've listed a breakdown (by column) of some of the terms and functions used in the table. 


You assign a status to each app, once you've made a decision on how to proceed. There are four statuses that can be assigned to an app. Statuses can be changed, you can move back in the app assessment flow to reassign a status if you change your mind. 

Status options


Needed in cloud

You can use this option when you know you need to migrate an app and its data to a cloud instance. 

Not needed in cloud

You can use this option, if an app doesn't need to be migrated to your cloud instance. This could be because:

  • it's already installed on an existing cloud site 

  • there is native functionality in cloud that replaces the need for the app, or 

  • your end users are not engaging with the app on server, and you see no need for it to be migrated.   

During your audit, you should get an idea from your end-users if an app is useful and necessary. You can look at columns in the table such as appears on and viewed by, to get an idea of what the usage is.

Choose alternative

Not every Marketplace Partner (previously known as app vendor) with a server app available on the Atlassian Marketplace has created a cloud version, or your requirements around a particular functionality may shift. In these cases, you may wish to use a different app in cloud, than the one you have installed on your server. 

Assigning this option to an app will allow you to select an alternative app later in the flow.

Cloud availability

This column will show you if the Marketplace Partner has built a cloud version of an app installed on your server. You'll see either  (yes),  (no) or  (not sure). The text beside each symbol gives you further information.

Learn more about statuses for Jira

Learn more about statuses for Confluence

After you’ve started assessing your apps, Atlassian can help prepare your Marketplace Partners for your app migration. Informing Marketplace Partners early about your intention to migrate their app, helps them prepare for the size and complexity of your app migration. Explore how to audit apps for your migration to cloud

Appears on (Confluence only)

This column shows you how many pages the macros of a given app appears on in the last 30 days. It does not appear in the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant.

Status types



The app is installed, but disabled in your server instance. 

Not applicable

The app is enabled but doesn't have macros, and so is not applicable to this column. It doesn't mean the app isn't used.

It doesn't mean the app isn't used.

x pages

The app macro appears on this many pages in the last 30 days.

Viewed by (Confluence only)

This column shows you how many views the macros of a given app appears on in the last 30 days. It does not appear in the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant.

Status types



The app is installed, but disabled in your server instance. 

Not applicable

The app is enabled but doesn't have macros, and so is not applicable to this column. It doesn't mean the app isn't used.

It doesn't mean the app isn't used.

x pages

This many users have viewed the macros of this app in the last 30 days.


Migration path

This column will show you if there is current migration pathway supplied by the Marketplace Partner for this app. You'll see either  (yes),  (no) or  (not sure). The text beside each symbol gives you further information.



Automated path

This status indicates that you can migrate this app to cloud using an automated path that the Marketplace Partner (app vendor) has built with the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant.

Automated path text link takes you to the respective Marketplace Partner documentation to read about their available automated migration path. If this text link is disabled, the Marketplace Partner has not provided links to their migration documentation and you will need to contact them directly for the same.

Automated path status is for apps in either Stage 2 or Stage 1

Apps in Stage 2 have demonstrated high migration success rates.

Note that apps in Stage 1 have unknown or demonstrated low migration success rates.

If you choose to migrate Stage 1 apps and the app data migration fails, you will need to contact the respective Marketplace Partner (app vendor) for support.


This status is for Install-only apps.

Symbol: The green tick indicates that you can migrate this app to cloud. However, since this is an install-only app, you will only need to install the cloud version of the app using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant. Data of these apps is embedded in ‘core product data’ like projects and issues, which is migrated when the ‘core product data’ is migrated.

Automated path: This text link takes you to the respective Marketplace Partner migration documentation.

View path

The app has an equivalent cloud app.
However you cannot (at the time of app assessment) use the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant to migrate to the Marketplace Partner’s cloud app.
The View Path label links customers to the Marketplace Partner migration strategy to migrate you app data without using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant.

Upgrade app

The app has an equivalent cloud app.
However, you are using a server app version that is not compatible with the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA).

Recommended action:

  • You will need to upgrade to a version of the server app that supports JCMA.

  • When you have upgraded to a supported server app version, and redo this app assessment. At that point, the Upgrade app status of this column should change to Automated path.

Contact vendor

The app has an equivalent cloud app.
However, the Marketplace Partner probably has not yet built a migration path to migrate your app data to their cloud app.
Note: This status can also appear if the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant is unable to retrieve information from the server app for technical reasons.

The Contact vendor label links you to the support section of the Marketplace Partner listing.


The app does not have an equivalent cloud app. This means that you cannot migrate your app data to cloud for this app, until the Marketplace Partner builds a cloud app and migration path.


Assessing your apps 

The app assessment table helps you step through the assessment process to streamline your decision-making process. You should assess your apps before testing and running your migration.

1. Migration assistant home

You begin assessing your apps by clicking into the Assess your apps card.



2. Assess your apps table and side panel

The app assessment table displays the apps you’ve installed on your server or DC instance. This may take some time, depending on how many apps you have installed. Select an app to view additional information about it in a side panel.

Work your way through the installed apps, checking the criteria, and assigning a status to make a decision about each app. 

Note: The Confluence and Jira cloud migration assistants look slightly different, as they are measuring slightly different things. 

You can download a CSV file of this table at any time, to show stakeholders or get sign-off on a business plan, to work offline, or to create a checklist of tasks.


Confluence cloud migration assistant - Assess your apps screen

alt="Asses your apps screen in ccma."

Jira cloud migration assistant - Assess your apps screen

alt="Assess your apps screen in jcma."

3. Choose app alternatives

 If you have assigned Choose alternative to any of your apps, you will now be prompted to select the alternatives you need.

If you no longer need an app on your cloud instance, go back a screen and change the status to Not needed in cloud. This removes the app from the list of apps that will require an alternative.


4. Connect your cloud site

You can link your chosen cloud instance at this step.

If you already have a Cloud site, select Choose cloud site or choose it from the drop-down.

If you don’t have a Cloud site yet, select Get Jira Cloud trial to try one for free. Learn more about Cloud migration trials


5. Install your apps

You can now move forward with installing the apps that you’ve chosen for your cloud site.

6. Agree to app migration

When an app migration is performed, the migration moves the data from each server app to its cloud version on your cloud site. The Marketplace Partner (vendor) that built each app has created a migration pathway to move the data.

During this process, the Marketplace Partner will actually be performing the app data migration, not Atlassian. Because of this, you need to review, and agree to each Marketplace Partner agreement so they can access your data to migrate it.

In order to complete the assessment flow, you must provide consent and agree to app migration for each app.

Once you're ready, you can click Done.  

7. Migrate your data

You can now migrate your app data to Cloud after you have completed assessing and preparing your apps for migration to cloud.

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