App vendor checks

App vendor checks is a unique feature that allows you to view the results of pre-migration checks that app vendors (Marketplace Partners) have run on your apps.

At the pre-migration check stage, app vendors run checks on your instance for the apps you’ve marked as ‘Needed in cloud’. If they detect issues that can impact the migration of app data, they will do the following:

  • raise warnings about potential issues that can impact data migration of their app

  • provide steps for you to resolve the issues

Note: Atlassian does not run app vendor checks, and you need to contact the specific app vendor (Marketplace Partner) for support with any issues related to their app.

The image that follows displays the new ‘App vendor check’ screen that contains app vendor checks.

Screenshot of the app vendor check screen in CMAs

How it works

  1. On the Pre-migration checks screen, expand the ‘App vendor check’ warning message.

  2. Select View all app vendor checks.
    This displays the ‘App vendor checks’ screen. If app vendors have run checks on your apps, they are displayed on this screen.

  3. If there are warning messages from your app vendor, they are displayed next to a yellow triangle. Follow the instructions provided in the message to resolve the warning.

  4. Select Refresh to run the check again.
    If the warning has been resolved successfully, the check displays with a green tick.

The checks on the ‘App vendor check’ screen are warnings, not errors. This means that they will not block your migration, if you choose to run the migration without resolving the warnings.

However, to help your app migrate successfully, we strongly recommend that you resolve any app vendor check warnings before running the migration.


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