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Understand Atlassian Guard

Atlassian Guard is a subscription that you purchase for your whole company.

  • Atlassian Guard Standard (formerly known as Atlassian Access) enables visibility and security across all Atlassian accounts and products at your company. You’ll have one place to manage your users and enforce security policies so your business can scale with confidence.

  • Atlassian Guard Premium provides additional security features that allow you to classify and protect data, and detect, investigate, and respond to threats.

This page covers Atlassian Guard Standard.

When you set Atlassian Guard Standard policies and features, they apply to all your managed users with access to these cloud products:

  • Jira

  • Jira Service Management (supports SAML single sign-on for customers log in to your help center)

  • Jira Product Discovery

  • Confluence

  • Bitbucket (currently only supports SAML single sign-on)

  • Trello (currently only supports SAML single sign-on)

  • Statuspage (currently only supports SAML single sign-on, billed as part of Statuspage pricing not part of your Atlassian Guard Standard bill)


Before you can subscribe to Atlassian Guard Standard, you need to verify your domain and claim its accounts. Learn how to verify a domain for your organization

Once you verify a domain and claim accounts, all the Atlassian accounts with email addresses from the domain become managed by your organization. Learn more about how organizations work

How to subscribe

An Atlassian Guard Standard subscription gives you the ability to apply security policies over managed accounts with your verified domains.

To subscribe to Atlassian Guard Standard:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security.

  3. Select Start 30-day free trial at the bottom of the page to begin your trial.

To see the number of users you're paying for:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Billing > Atlassian Guard Standard.

For more billing details, see Manage your bill for Atlassian Guard Standard. To get a billing estimate for Atlassian Guard Standard, check out our pricing calculator page.

Security features

To apply security policies to your managed accounts, you have a few options after you subscribe to Atlassian Guard Standard.

Connect your identity provider to your Atlassian organization

Atlassian Guard Standard allows you to connect your identity provider for SAML single sign-on and user provisioning.

You can use the identity provider of your choice, but some capabilities are only available with selected identity providers. Learn which identity providers we support

SAML single sign-on for your organization’s users

If you’d like your users to authenticate through your company’s identity provider when they log in to your Atlassian cloud products, you can set up SAML for single sign-on (SSO). SSO allows a user to authenticate with one set of login credentials and access multiple products during their session.

With SSO, you have a few benefits:

  • If self signup is enabled, we automatically create an Atlassian account for them when that user logs in for the first time with SSO.

  • You can set security policies from your identity provider that will apply when users log in to your Atlassian products.

Learn more about configuring SAML single sign-on for users

SAML single sign-on for portal-only customers

You can connect an identity provider and configure single sign-on for your customers when you subscribe to Atlassian Guard.

Connecting an identity provider to a Jira Service Management site makes it easy to secure customers with access to your help center. Learn more about service project customers

With SSO enabled in your help center:

  • When your customers try to log in to your help center, we redirect them to your identity provider to log in without needing them to sign up for portal-only accounts.

  • If a customer authenticates with the identity provider (for example, following a link from within an authenticated environment), the help center recognizes them so they can bypass the login experience.

Learn more about configuring single sign-on for portal-only customers

User provisioning

User provisioning integrates an external user directory with your Atlassian cloud products. With user provisioning, you have a few benefits:

  • Automatically update the users and groups in your Atlassian organization when you make updates in your identity provider, saving you time.

  • When you deactivate a user in your identity provider, that user will automatically be deactivated in your Atlassian organization, giving you more security and better control over your bill.

  • New users automatically have access to your products as soon as they’re activated, making onboarding new employees easier.

Learn more about user provisioning

Require users to log in with two-step verification

If you don’t have an identity provider to connect to your Atlassian organization, you can enforce two step-verification for all your managed users.

Two-step verification adds a second login step to your managed users’ Atlassian accounts by requiring them to enter a 6-digit code in addition to their password when they log in. The second step helps keep their account secure even if the password is compromised, keeping your content and resources safer.

Learn more about enforced two-step verification

Check the audit log for activities that occur within your organization

The audit log tracks key activities that occur within your organization. You can use these activities to diagnose problems with or questions about user details, group memberships, and product access

Learn more about audit logging

Revoke a user’s API tokens

You can always see the API tokens users create to perform authenticated operations with product APIs. With an Atlassian Guard Standard subscription, you can also revoke a user’s API tokens.

Learn more about revoking API tokens from an individual managed account details

Gain insights into your organization

Organization insights provide data for user and product activity across your organization. For example, you can currently view the number of active users in Jira and Confluence for a period of time.

To view insights:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Insights.

Get support

Atlassian Guard StandardSupport includes quick response time for all levels of requests related to Atlassian Guard Standard features.

To learn more about Atlassian Guard Standard Support, see Atlassian Support Offerings.


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