What is a non-billable policy?

Who can do this?
Role: Organization admin
Atlassian Cloud: Atlassian Guard Standard
Atlassian Government Cloud: Not available

When users are either manually invited or sign themselves up, you can decide whether to include them in your Atlassian Guard Standard subscription.

With an Atlassian Guard Standard subscription, you can create a non-billable policy when you don’t want to pay for certain users. We won't bill you for users in a non-billable policy. You can only have one (1) non-billable policy.

You can set a default policy into a non-billable policy. You can only create a non-billable policy in a local directory.

Learn more about directories

When you edit authentication policies and make a policy non-billable, you won't be able to:

  • Enforce single sign-on

  • Require two-step verification

  • Block user API tokens

  • Add users that you sync from your identity provider to the policy

You can't add the users you sync from your identity provider (e.g., Okta, Azure AD, Google Workspace) to a non-billable policy.

If you sync users that are part of a non-billable policy, we move them to a different policy and directory. You can find these users in the default policy of your local directory.

You can easily update your policy to include all security settings. Once you do, the users in the policy may count towards your bill. Manage your bill for Atlassian Guard Standard.

Make a policy non-billable

To make a policy non-billable:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Authentication policies.

  3. Select Edit for the policy you want to make non-billable.

  4. Select Make policy non-billable in the (•••) menu

Update a non-billable policy to add all security settings

To update a non-billable policy to all security settings:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Authentication policies.

  3. Select Edit for the non-billable policy.

  4. Select Add all security settings to policy.

  5. Update policy.

Make a default policy non-billable

When you don’t want users who are manually invited or sign themselves up to count towards your Atlassian Guard Standard subscription, we can automatically add them to a default non-billable policy.

Before you make a non-billable policy a default policy, you must link the domain for user accounts you want in the local directory. We add new user accounts from the domain you link to the default authentication policy of the local directory.

To link domains to a directory:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Identity providers.

  3. Select the Directory you’d like to view.

  4. Select View domains to link the domain to the local directory.

  5. Select Link domain.

  6. Select one or many domains to link to the local directory.

To make a policy non-billable:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Authentication policies.

  3. Go to the default policy in your local directory.

  4. Select Edit on the default policy.

  5. Select Make policy non-billable.

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