Automate actions for the delivery panel

Despite the ready-to-use automation templates for Jira Product Discovery, it is possible to automate some actions in the delivery tab. Implementing these rules will reduce the need to manually work between Ideas and Epics.

If you are new to Jira automation, you can start here.

Copy Description from Idea to Epic

Watch the demo video 

Rule details:

Single project automation in a software project

When: Issue linked > Link Type "Polaris issue link"

Condition: Issue field Condition > Issue type = Epic

Then: Edit issue > Field to set "Description" > ... Copy from "Destination Issue"

Transition an idea to Done when the Epic is Done

When 1 Idea is linked to 1 Epic 

Watch the demo video 

Rule details:

Global automation from a software project

When: Issue transitioned > To Status > Done

Branch rule / related issues: Linked issues > Implements

Then: Transition issue > Destination status = Done

When 1 Idea is linked to 2 or more Epics

When an Idea is linked to 2 or more Epics, you need to link the epics together with the link type "Relates to".

Rule details: 

Global automation from a software project

When: Issue transitioned > To Status > Done

Condition: Issue matches JQL: issuelinktype != empty AND issuetype = Epic 
AND Linked issue match > Type: relates to > Match: StatusCategory = "Done"

Branch rule / related issues: Linked issues > Implements

Then: Transition issue > Destination status = Done

Bonus: Transition an Epic to Done when all linked issues are done

View the rule in our public library 

Rule details:

Single project automation in a software project

When: Issue transitioned > To Status > Done

   Branch rule / related issues: Epic (Parent)

        Conditions: Issue field conditions > Status does not equal Done

        AND: Related Issue conditions > Related issues : "Stories or other issues in this epic", Condition : All match specified JQL, Matching JQL: Status = "Done" 

       Then: Transition issue > Destination status = Done

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