Move from Beta to the Free or Standard plan

Annual billing and paying through Partners is now available for all customers. Please follow these instructions to move off the beta. To pay through a Partner, contact one of our Solution Partners via our Partner Directory or your existing Atlassian Partner for details.

Jira Product Discovery plans and pricing

Now, Jira Product Discover has Free and Standard pricing plans where:

  • In the Free plan, you can have up to 3 free creators and unlimited contributors.

  • In the Standard plan, you have unlimited creators and contributors:

    • Creators are charged $10 per month, with volume discounts - the more creators you have, the less you pay per creator.

    • Contributors are free.

More details on pricing are here.

Users in Jira Product Discovery can access JPD projects without product access (a license). Users can have different project roles—a creator role requires product access, and a contributor role does not require product access. This is great for people you want to contribute without edit permissions.

Transfer to a Free or Standard plan

Before you begin

  • You need to be a Jira site administrator to perform most of the described actions.

  • You need to understand the difference between the creator and contributor roles.

The creator and contributor roles in Jira Product Discovery determine which features are available to each role.



Creator is a licensed user with product access to Jira Product Discovery.

Can use all available features of Jira Product Discovery

  • Create ideas

  • Edit ideas

  • Add comments, insights, votes and reactions

  • Create and edit fields and views

  • Administer the project

  • Add users to the project

  • Manage sharing

Contributor is an unlicensed user who doesn't require product access to Jira Product Discovery.

Can, based on what creators make available

  • Open the project in read-only

  • Add comments, insights, votes and reactions

  • Create ideas


  • Edit ideas

  • Create and edit fields and views

  • Administer the project

Watch a video about creators and contributors.

1. Create the contributors group

The first step is to make sure that the contributors group is enabled.


  1. On the upper right of the navigation bar, select > Products, and then on the left sidebar, select Access under Jira Product Discovery.

  2. Enable the contributors group so the users can access Jira Product Discovery projects as contributors.

Only site admins can manage who is in the contributors group. Members of this group will be able to access Jira Product Discovery projects that have been shared with them.

Do not add product access to the contributors group, otherwise, every user in this group will consume a license. This group is specially created for Jira Product Discovery to retrieve the list of contributors.

Watch a video how to create the contributors group.

Who can be a contributor?

To make sure that users are contributors, the site admin should check one of the following criteria:

  1. Whether the user has product access to a Jira product:

    1. On the upper right of the navigation bar, select > User Management > Directory.

    2. Find the needed user, and then select the name. They are a contributor by default if they have product access to Jira or Jira Service Management.

  2. Whether the user is added as a member of the contributors group:

    1. On the upper right of the navigation bar, select> User Management > Directory

    2. Find the needed user, and then select the name.

    3. If the user is not added to the contributors group, select Add to groups, and then add the user to the Jira Product Discovery contributors group: jira-product-discovery-contributors-xxx.

2. Manage product access

Site admins should verify whether the creator roles are set correctly. Creators are paid users who get a license and product access to Jira Product Discovery.

To manage product access:

  1. On the upper right of the navigation bar, select > User Management > Directory.

  2. Find the needed user, select the name, and then check what products and groups this person has access to.

  3. To provide product access, click Grant access > Jira Product Discovery, and then from the dropdown, select User > Grant access.

Watch a video how to add creators or contributors.

3. Remove product access from site admins (optional)

If you began using Jira Product Discovery before July 19, 2023, check whether the site-admins group has been granted automatic product access.

By default, when you add a new product to a site, the site-admins group is given access to that product. It means that every site administrator will have product access to Jira Product Discovery as a creator and consume a license.

To prevent this:

  1. On the upper right of the navigation bar, select> User Management > Directory.

  2. On the left sidebar, select Groups > site-admins group, and then for Jira Product Discovery, select None.

Note that this change sometimes takes a few minutes to be applied across the system.

Trusted users (a deprecated user experience) will also consume a license for all products on the site. In this case, the only workaround is to change the user's role to either Basic or Site-admin after removing product access from the site-admins group.

4. Test your setup

During the Beta, contributors could access all features that are now available only for creators. Once you are done with the previous steps, we recommend project admins test the setup by enforcing product access checks. In this way, you can ensure the product behaves exactly as it will once you transfer to the Free or Standard plan.

  1. Go to Jira Product Discovery project, and then select Project Settings > Access.

  2. Click Beta edition info, and then select Enforce product access checks.

Watch a video how to enforce product access checks.

5. Manage your plan

You can now verify the number of billable users (creators) and upgrade to Jira Product Discovery's Free or Standard plan.


  1. On the upper right of the navigation bar, select > Billing

  2. For Jira Product Discovery, select Manage > Change plan, and then choose the needed plan.

If the number of users in the Billing section at does not match the number of creators you expect to have:

  1. Wait a few minutes for our internal databases to sync.

  2. Check out this video that explains how to check who is getting billed for Jira Product Discovery and common reasons why that number is higher than you expect and how to fix that. 

Manage your billing details

When you upgrade to a Standard plan, we start you on a 14-day free trial. However, entering your payment details before the trial ends is very important to continue using Jira Product Discovery without interruptions. Due to our current billing system, you may need to enter your credit card details again specifically for Jira Product Discovery.

Here's a post explaining how to verify billing details.

6. Allow contributors to create ideas (optional)

In the Free and Standard plans of Jira Product Discovery, contributors can't create ideas in discovery projects by default. Project admins can manually turn on this feature in each project. Once it’s done, contributors will be able to create ideas in the project but not edit them.

To enable idea creation for contributors:

  1. Open the needed Jira Product Discovery project, and then select Project settings > Features > Create ideas.

  2. Enable Allow contributors to create ideas.

  3. Optionally, customize the creation idea form.

Watch a video how to allow contributors to create ideas.

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