Merge ideas

Merging ideas is useful when you come across ideas that are similar or have been duplicated.

Merge one idea into another idea

  1. Open up one of the ideas you want to merge.

  2. On the right-hand panel, click () and select Merge.

  3. Choose a target idea. The target idea is the one you will merge into. Then, select the content you want to merge and choose the description and values you want to keep.

  4. Click Merge.

Merge multiple ideas into one

  1. In the list view, select multiple ideas that you want to merge into a target idea.

  2. Select Merge.

  3. Choose a target idea. The target idea is the one you will merge into. Then, select the content you want to merge and choose the description and values you want to keep.

  4. Select Merge.

Revert a merge

To revert a merge, go to the target idea and under merged from, select each merged idea and restore them from the archive.


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