Jira Product Discovery fields reference

Standard field types




Check to show that an option has been chosen. It can indicate for example whether or not a design has been approved for an idea.


Time-based information for an idea. For example, planned delivery start date.


Hyperlink to any resource from this field. For example, a “Spec” field where users can paste a link to a detailed technical specification for the idea.


This field allows you to create multiple options users can choose from. For example goals, teams or products. Each option can be assigned a weight.


This field allows you to specify a numerical value for the idea (for example, “reach” for use in a RICE score). This field doesn’t restrict the range of numbers you can enter, but for something easier to edit, you can use a rating (a quick and easy way to set a value between 1 and 5) or a slider field (1-100).
You can use formatting options to color this field based on its value for an idea to make them stand out. For example: “color in red all values greater than 50”.


Jira site user. People are represented by avatars. However, you can change it to show people’s names instead of avatars:

To switch the display of avatars to people names:

1 Go to Fields and select a field of the type People.
2 Click Edit field.
3 Under Options, select Avatar only, then Full name with an avatar.


This field allows you to rate an idea from 1 to 5. You can use this to quickly assign values to things like impact, effort, confidence, risk and so on.


This field allows you to create an option. For example goals, teams or products. Each option can be assigned a weight.

Short text

You can add a short text in this field with a limit of 255 characters.


This field allows you to quickly rate an idea using a number between 1 and 100 via a visual slider.
You can use formatting options to add emojis and colors that highlight a card's number when the input number is within the threshold.

Dynamic fields




This field shows the number of comments for each idea. Clicking on it opens a sidebar that lets you view and create comments for the idea.


This field allow users to vote on an idea. When you create a vote field you can configure the amount of votes allowed per user.


This field shows the number of insights for each idea. Clicking on it opens a sidebar that lets you create and view insights added to the idea.


This field displays the delivery progress for the idea, which is calculated based on the status or story points of the Jira work items linked to the idea via the delivery tab.

Custom formula (Fx)

You can create a new value out of existing field values, similar to what you can do in a spreadsheet. There are three options for formulas: Roll-up, Weighted Score and one option where you can write your own. Learn more about custom formulas in this page.

System fields




User responsible for the idea.


User who creates an idea.


The person being assigned to an idea.

Delivery status

This field displays the delivery status for the idea, which is calculated based either on the number of work items per status or on the number of iwork items story points per status of the Jira work linked to the idea via the delivery panel.

Delivery progress

This field displays the delivery progress for the idea, which is calculated based either on the number of work items per status or on the number of work items story points per status of the Jira work linked to the idea via the delivery panel.


Jira work item key


Jira work item title


Shows the number of comments on a given idea.


Timestamp field


Labels allow you to categorize ideas into themes.


You can use insights to capture user needs: snippets from customer interviews or user research links to support tickets or sales opportunities, links to specific product analytics dashboards, or messages from stakeholders coming from Slack or Teams.

Linked work items

Number Jira work items linked to an idea.


Workflow status


Timestamp field when the idea card was last updated.


Field used to display goals set in Atlas.

Atlassian projects

Field used to display projects set in Atlas.

Atlassian project status

Field used to display the project status set in Atlas.


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