Create and configure Roadmaps

What are Roadmaps?

Roadmaps are only available for Jira Product Discovery Premium plan.

Jira Product Discovery roadmaps enable you to consolidate multiple project ideas in one view and track initiatives.

Create a roadmap

You can created new Jira Product Discovery roadmaps from any Jira Projects. A roadmap view contains all ideas from the projects you’ve selected during the roadmap creation process. You can always filter out specific projects from views and modify the roadmap by adding or removing a project.

There are currently two versions of the navigation coexisting:

Old version

  1. At the top navigation bar, select Roadmaps

  2. Click Create a roadmap

  3. Choose a roadmap name and an emoji.

  4. Select which Jira Product Discovery projects to include in your roadmap and click Create.

New version

On the left panel, at the top, select Roadmaps.

  1. To create a new roadmap, click and follow the prompts.

  2. Name your new roadmap.

  3. Select which Jira Product Discovery projects to include in your roadmap and click Create roadmap.

Filter ideas out of your roadmap

You can now refine your roadmap by filtering out ideas at the roadmap level. This feature ensures that both existing and new views will only display the ideas that matter most to you. Additionally, you still have the option to apply filters on a per-view basis. You can use a basic filter or the advanced filtering option (JQL).

Before you begin

Filter ideas during roadmap creation:

  1. On the left panel, at the top, select Roadmaps.

  2. To create a new roadmap, click and follow the prompts.

  3. Name your new roadmap.

  4. Select which Jira Product Discovery projects to include in your roadmap.

  5. Filter the project ideas you want to show up in the roadmap and click Create a Roadmap.

Filter ideas after roadmap creation:

  1. Next to the roadmap name, click (….)

  2. Select Roadmap settings.

  3. Click Manage filters. You can now add and modify filters.

Add details and modify your roadmap

You can add a description to your roadmaps to ensure all stakeholders have the necessary context.

To add a description:

  1. Next to your Roadmap name click (. . . ) > About Roadmap

  2. Click Add a description and edit your description.

  3. To save your description, click Save.

You can also edit your roadmap name, emoji, and projects.

  1. Next to your Roadmap name click (. . .) > Roadmap Settings

  2. Click on the roadmap name to change its name and emoji.

  3. Select Manage projects to add or remove projects from this roadmap and all its views.

Create and curate different views of your roadmap

Once your roadmap has been created, you can arrange it according to what you want to communicate. For that, you can create various views and add fields to them.

Add views to a roadmap

  1. Select your roadmap.

  2. On the left navigation click + or Create a view.

In roadmaps, you have the same choice of views as in Jira Product Discovery projects: List, Timeline, Board, and Matrix. Learn more about views and their usage.

Add fields to a roadmap view

There are two types of fields you can add to a roadmap: System and Global fields.

To add a field in a view:

  1. On any view click Fields.

  2. Toggle on the fields you want to display on the view.

In roadmaps, you cannot create fields; you will be provided with all the fields that are in use in at least one of the projects of the Roadmap.

If a field you want to use isn’t displayed as an Available field, it is a Project field and can’t be used in a Roadmap. Learn more about Project fields and Global fields.


Roadmap permissions

This set of permissions enable roadmap owners to play with the level of openness or restrictions in their roadmap as well as enabling them to have more control on the editors and audience. Roadmap owners can:

  • Edit the roadmap details: edit the roadmap name, emoji and description, add and remove projects.

  • Create and configure views (add a view, add groups, filters, sorting, edit fields).

  • Change the permissions level of the Roadmap.

Any licensed Jira Product Discovery user can:

  • Create their own roadmap

  • View all other roadmaps

Any licensed Jira user can:

  • View all roadmaps


  1. Next to a roadmap name click () > Roadmap settings.

  2. On the side panel click

  3. Configure your permissions. By default, the roadmap permission is set to limited.

There are three level of permissions 

  • Private - Only selected users can view or edit.

  • Restricted - Everyone can view, only selected users can edit.

  • Open - Everyone can view and any creator can edit.

Ideas permissions

Ideas in a roadmap have the same permissions than in their projects. If a user doesn’t have edit ideas permission in a project, they won’t be able to edit ideas in a roadmap view, even if they are the owner of the roadmap.

Editing ideas in roadmaps

Any creator who has the right to edit an idea in the context of a project can also edit the idea in a roadmap view by opening the idea.

Viewing ideas in roadmaps

Users who don’t have access to a Jira Product Discovery project won’t be able to see its ideas in a roadmap. They can ask the project admin to grant them project access to see ideas in the context of the project and of the roadmap.


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