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Create an Okta account for your organization

An identity provider gives your company one system where you can manage all employee user identities for your cloud products. If your company currently manages users from an Active Directory, an identity provider also makes it possible to sync user identities to their Atlassian accounts.

If you don’t have an identity provider, we made it easy to sign up for and automatically connect Okta (a common 3rd-party identity provider) to your Atlassian cloud products. When you have an Okta account, you can enable SAML single sign-on and user provisioning for your Atlassian organization.

When you create an Okta account from your Atlassian organization, you get a free production-ready identity provider. You only have to pay for your Okta account if you connect it to non-Atlassian products. To learn more about Okta Cloud Connect, see more details on Okta’s website.

To create a free Okta account:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Security Guide.

  3. Select Configure authentication policies and provision users > View configuration tasks.

  4. Select Configure single sign-on with an external directory.

  5. Select You can sign up for Okta for free if you don't have an identity provider.

  6. Enter your details to fill out the form, select Create your free Okta account.

We then let you know that We created your Okta account. From there, log in directly to Okta to manage your account.

If you have an Active Directory, your next steps are to install the Okta Active Directory agent and import your Active Directory users and groups into Okta. Learn about how to configure the Okta Active Directory agent.

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