
Any changes performed by an automation rule are seen as being performed by the rule actor. When configuring a rule, project/space admins, product-level admins, and site admins have the option to change the rule actor to someone else.

In Confluence automation, the rule actor is the person who created the rule.

In Jira automation, the default rule actor is the “user” called Automation for Jira. For example, if an automation rule transitions an issue to Done, in that issue’s History tab it will show as having been transitioned by Automation for Jira.

Jira の課題履歴。課題のステータスが「Automation for Jira」というユーザーによって [完了] に設定されたことがわかります。

ルール アクターの変更

ルールの編集権限を持っているユーザーなら誰でもルール アクターを変更できます。

  • Confluence 自動化ではルール アクターを自分に設定できますが、他の人に変更することはできません。

  • In Jira automation, you can set the rule actor as yourself, or as the Automation for Jira user. Global administrators can set anyone as the rule actor.

To learn more about changing a rule's actor, see Run Jira rules as another user (Jira only).



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