Manage editors for your automation rules

When configuring an automation rule, you have the option to set who can edit your rule. This can be helpful when you need to delegate the task of editing and updating your automation rule to a teammate.

There are three different editing permissions available for your automation rule:

  • Private: Only the rule owner can edit the rule.

  • Specific admins: Give edit access to any number of project admins (in Jira automation) or space admins (in Confluence automation).

    • When you select this option, the resulting user picker will show all users. Make sure you only select project/space admins, because any non-admins you select still won’t be able to edit your rule.

  • All admins: Allow all admins to edit the rule. For Jira automation, this means all admins in the project, all Jira admins, and all site admins. For Confluence automation, this means all admins in the space, all Confluence admins, and all site admins.

Set editors for your rule

Before you begin

Automation rule configuration is visible only to project or global admins. When choosing editors for your rule, remember to only select project or global admins.

New rules

  1. Navigate to automation, and select Create rule to start creating a new rule.

  2. Configure your rule by adding automation components. At a minimum, you’ll need to add a trigger and at least one action.

  3. Once you’ve finished configuring your rule, under Save and publish select an option under Who can edit this rule?

Existing rules

  1. Navigate to automation, and select your rule.

  2. On the rule details screen, select an option under Who can edit this rule?

Manage rule editor options

How rule owners differ from rule editors

Both rule editors and the rule owner can:

  • Add, remove, and edit rule components

  • Change the rule actor

  • Rename and delete the rule

Rule owners can do the following, but rule editors can’t:

  • Change the rule owner to another person

  • Edit rule permissions and add/remove rule editors

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