Use automation with Workday

The features described in this article are only available to those participating in the early access program (EAP). If you’d like to enrol, contact us.

The Workday integration with Automation is only available to Jira Service Management Cloud customers on Premium or Enterprise plans. Find out how to upgrade your plan.

You can connect your Workday account to your Jira project to automate the process of employee onboarding and other HR tasks. You must be a Jira admin to connect Workday to Jira Automation.

Register an API client in Workday

Before creating a connection between your project and Workday, you need to register an API client in Workday:

  1. Sign in to your Workday account.

  2. In the search box at the top of the page, enter "Register API client".

  3. Select Register API Client.

  4. Complete the form. For more information, search for “Register API client” in the Workday community.
    Form field instructions:

    1. Client Grant Type: select Authorisation Code Grant

    2. Access Token Type: select Bearer

    3. Redirection URI:

    4. Non-Expiring Refresh Tokens: select Yes

    5. Scope (Functional Areas): search for and select Staffing

  5. Select OK.

On the next screen, you will see all the details you need to connect Jira to Workday. You can access these details in Workday later but the “Client Secret” will only be shown once. We recommend you save this somewhere safe.

Integrate an automation rule with Workday

You can choose to create an automation rule with a trigger that integrates with Workday or an action that integrates with Workday (or both). Each time you create a rule that integrates with Workday, you will need to create a connection using the details you received when you registered the API client in Workday.

Before you begin

Make sure you’ve set up an integration system in Workday. For instructions on how to do this, search for “create integration system” in the Workday community.

When creating the integration system:

  • use the Cloud Integration Template

  • under Event subscriptions select Subscribe to specific Transaction Types and choose Hire - Hire Employee Event

  1. From your service project, select Project settings, then Automation.

  2. Select Create rule.

  3. Create your rule. You can find Workday triggers and actions by searching for “Workday” in the search box.

  4. When prompted to connect to Workday, select Connect.

  5. Complete the form with the details you received when you registered the API client in Workday.

  6. Select Connect.

  7. You will be taken to Workday for authorization.

    1. Sign in to Workday.

    2. When prompted to “Authorize Workday”, select Allow.

  8. If you created the connection for a trigger, you need to create an API token and copy it into Workday.

    1. Select Generate API token. You will be taken to your Atlassian API tokens.

    2. Select Create API token.

    3. Give the token a label and select Create.

    4. Select Copy.

    5. In Workday, go to your integration system and in the External Endpoints section, paste your Webhook URL into the Notification URL field and your API token into the Notification Password field.

    6. Select OK.


Worker added to Workday

The Worker added to Workday trigger runs when a new worker has been added in your Workday instance. This can be useful for initiating an onboarding process for new hires by triggering workflows, sending welcome emails, and collaborating with other teams.


Retrieve worker details from Workday

The Retrieve worker details from Workday action allows you to retrieve certain details about an employee from Workday to use in your Jira project. This can be useful for streamlining your onboarding process and gathering employee details when resolving a query.

Smart values

You can use smart values to access data in Workday for use in your Jira project.

Trigger smart values

{{workday.worker.workdayId}} – Returns a worker’s Workday ID from Workday.
{{}} – Returns a worker's first name from Workday.
{{workday.worker.startDate}} – Returns a worker's start date from Workday.
{{workday.worker.department}} – Returns a worker’s department name from Workday.
{{workday.worker.positionDescription}} – Returns a worker’s position description from Workday.
{{workday.worker.positionId}} – Returns a worker’s position ID from Workday.
{{workday.worker.employeeId}} – Returns a worker’s employee ID from Workday.
{{workday.worker.applicantId}} – Returns a worker’s applicant ID from Workday.

Action smart values

{{workday.worker.employeeId}} – Returns a worker’s employee ID from Workday.
{{workday.worker.businessTitle}} – Returns a worker’s business title from Workday.
{{workday.worker.hireDate}} – Returns a worker’s hire date from Workday.
{{workday.worker.probationStartDate}} – Returns a worker’s probation start date from Workday.
{{workday.worker.probationEndDate}} – Returns a worker’s probation end date from Workday.
{{workday.worker.firstName}} – Returns a worker's first name from Workday.
{{workday.worker.middleName}} – Returns a worker's middle name from Workday.
{{workday.worker.lastName}} – Returns a worker's last name from Workday.
{{workday.worker.emailAddress}} – Returns a worker's email address from Workday.
{{workday.worker.internationalPhoneCode}} – Returns the international phone code of a worker's phone number from Workday.
{{workday.worker.areaCode}} – Returns the area code of a worker's phone number from Workday.
{{workday.worker.phoneNumber}} – Returns a worker's phone number from Workday.
{{workday.worker.phoneExtension}} – Returns a worker's phone extension from Workday.
{{workday.worker.countryIsoCode}} – Returns the ISO code for the country of a worker from Workday.
{{workday.worker.addressLine}} – Returns a worker's street address from Workday.
{{workday.worker.municipality}} – Returns a worker's municipality from Workday.
{{workday.worker.subMunicipality}} – Returns a worker's submunicipality from Workday.
{{workday.worker.region}} – Returns a worker's region from Workday.
{{workday.worker.subRegion}} – Returns a worker's subregion from Workday.
{{workday.worker.postalCode}} – Returns a worker's postal code from Workday.
{{workday.worker.positionId}} – Returns a worker’s position ID from Workday.
{{workday.worker.positionTitle}} – Returns a worker’s position title from Workday.
{{workday.worker.jobClassificationName}} – Returns a worker’s job classification name from Workday.
{{workday.worker.locationName}} – Returns a worker’s location name from Workday.
{{workday.worker.locationTypeDescription}} – Returns a worker’s location type description from Workday.
{{workday.worker.managerWorkdayId}} – Returns a manager's Workday ID from Workday.
{{workday.worker.managerEmailAddress}} – Returns a manager's email address from Workday.
{{workday.worker.managerFirstName}} – Returns a manager's first name from Workday.
{{workday.worker.managerMiddleName} – Returns a manager's middle name from Workday.
{{workday.worker.managerLastName}} – Returns a manager's last name from Workday.

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