Jira automation branches
When configuring automation rules, it's possible to create a separate section of the rule and perform actions on related issues - this is referred to as branching. Below you’ll find the types of branches available in Jira Cloud automation. To learn more, see What is rule branching?
Related issues
Related issues branches allow you to perform actions on issues related to the issue that triggered the rule. For example, you may have a rule that’s triggered when an issue moves to Done, where you add a comment on that issue’s subtasks.
Accessing created issues
Rules can create issues using the Create issue and Clone issue actions. Performing further actions, such as adding a comment or creating sub-tasks, on these newly created issues within the same rule requires a related issue branch.
This is because the main branch of a rule always applies to the trigger issue, not the created issue. For example, adding a Comment on issue action after a Create issue action adds a comment to the trigger issue, not the created issue.
To address this, create a new branch for All created issues to allow you to action newly created issues.
Alternatively, you can use the Related issues condition (Most recently created) if you the only need to action a single issue.
Ordering of branch executions
Branches on multiple issues (such as 4 sub-tasks) will run in parallel with no guarantee one will finish before the next one starts. Therefore, you cannot rely on changes between branches.
Branches on multiple issues are run as a new process, with the main branch continuing execution before the sub-branch starts.
Advanced branching
Advanced branching allows you to enter a smart value, and perform actions on that value as an object. For example, you could enter the smart value {{triggerissue.comments.body}}, and this would allow your branch to perform actions for each comment on the issue.
You can also use it to loop over JSON arrays often found in incoming webhooks or responses from web requests. Consider this web request JSON response:
With this, you could enter the smart value {{webResponse.body.myList}}
, which will allow your branch to perform any conditions or actions on each list element. Here’s an example:
For Jira Service Management only. Branching on AQL allows you to select a schema and enter an AQL query, and then run actions on the objects returned by the query (50 objects at most).
When configuring actions, you can access the details of each object using the {{object}} smart value. Learn more about Asset smart values.
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