Delete a managed account

Deleting an account is permanent. If you think you’ll need the account again, we recommend you deactivate it instead.

If you want to delete your unmanaged account (an account not managed by an organization), see Delete your Atlassian account.

Before we permanently delete the account, you’ll have a 14-day grace period, during which the account will appear as temporarily deactivated. You have until the grace period is over to cancel the deletion.

Details about account deletion

If a user’s account has been around for a while, they may belong to multiple organizations and have access to multiple products, so their personal data may be in multiple places. This section includes details about where personal data is deleted from, what personal data is deleted, and what personal data isn’t deleted. You’ll also get similar information when you’re about to delete an account.

We’ll delete the user’s personal data from Atlassian account services within 30 days, except in a few cases where required for legitimate business or legal purposes. Some examples include:

  • Information related to purchases, which we’re required to keep for financial reporting.

  • Records showing that we deleted someone’s account, which we may need to provide to regulators.

  • Data that’s part of an active lawsuit, which we’re required to keep by law.

The user has the right to submit complaints to the supervisory authority in their country.

Where personal data is deleted from

Personal data is deleted from all Atlassian account services. Atlassian account services include all organizations and sites used to access these products:

  • Jira Cloud

  • Confluence Cloud

  • Bitbucket Cloud

  • Trello

In addition to all products they use, users will no longer be able to access other Atlassian account services, such as Community, Marketplace, and support. This means that the user won’t be able to raise technical support tickets at, access their profile at, or post at

Deleting your Atlassian account doesn’t delete Jira Align, or Halp accounts. To delete your Jira Align Atlassian data, email Jira Align Support at and for your deletion of your Jira Align product account, work with your Jira Align administrator. To delete your Halp account, open a Halp support ticket. To delete an Opsgenie account that isn’t using Atlassian account, see Delete an account.

What’s deleted

We’ll delete the following personal data stored in an Atlassian account from all Atlassian account services:

  • Full name

  • Public name

  • Job title

  • Department

  • Organization

  • Location

  • Time zone

  • Email address

  • Atlassian profile picture

For information on additional data, if any, deleted from products, see the documentation on account deletion in Confluence Cloud, Jira Cloud, and Bitbucket Cloud.

What’s not deleted

The following data is not deleted:

  • Content the user has created in Atlassian account services. For example, pages, issues, and comments they’ve created in products. For full lists of content that’s not deleted in products, see the documentation on account deletion for Confluence Cloud, Jira Cloud, and Bitbucket Cloud.

  • Any personal data in content the user or someone else created, such as names or email addresses typed into a page or issue. Product admins must delete this content manually.

  • The user’s profile information that might have been stored in Marketplace and custom apps installed in products. See Marketplace and custom apps for more details.

Delete the account

Deleting an account is permanent. After you delete an account, we’ll give you a 14-day grace period, during which you can cancel the deletion. If you think you’ll need this account at another point in the future, we suggest you deactivate the account instead.

If you’re using SAML SSO, remove the user from your identity provider before you delete their account. If you don’t remove the user from your identity provider, their Atlassian account will get created again and they'll still be able to log in.

If you manage users through Google Suite, remove the users from Google Suite. Then contact Support to request deletion of the users' accounts.

To delete an account:

  1. Go to Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Managed accounts.

  3. Select the user whose account you want to delete.

  4. From the 3 dot icon at the top of the page, select Delete account.

  5. Before you delete the account, read what happens to the deleted account carefully. Refer to the details about account deletion above.

  6. Click Delete account. From the confirmation dialog that appears, confirm that you want to delete the account.
    If you get some warnings, you may need to take care of these issues before you can go back to deleting the account.

Once you confirm the deletion, you’ll land on the user’s managed account page again. The account is now scheduled for deletion and deactivated, preventing the user from logging in to the account and Atlassian account services. When the account is permanently deleted, the account will no longer appear in your list of managed accounts.

Account appearance after deletion

During the grace period when the account is deactivated, anyone with access to your organization’s content will still see the user’s name in product (e.g., next to the user’s avatar) along with a Deactivated lozenge.

When the account is permanently deleted, Former user will appear in place of the user’s name and the lozenge updates to Deleted.

User’s notification email

When you schedule a user’s account for deletion, they’ll get an email that explains they can no longer access their account, how their name will appear to other users going forward, details about what happened to their personal data, and a list of Marketplace and custom apps that may have stored their profile information. We’ll also say to contact their organization admin if they’d like to regain access to their account.

Marketplace and custom apps

When you schedule a user’s account for deletion, you’ll get a confirmation email. Your confirmation email, as well as the user’s notification email, will include a list of Marketplace and custom apps that may have stored the user’s profile information. You or other users may have installed these apps to add features to Atlassian products, and the apps may have stored the user’s profile information.

Marketplace apps were created by third-party vendors to add extra functionality to your products. To find out whether a Marketplace app stored the user's profile information, click the Marketplace listing link in the email and refer to the vendor privacy policy. You’ll need to ask the apps' owners to delete the user’s data from them. Contact your Bitbucket Cloud admin for information on any apps installed from the Bitbucket Cloud marketplace.

You’ll also see a list of custom apps that were built for your products that may store the user’s personal information. You’ll need to contact the organization or site admin for each product that has a custom app to learn whether they store personal data and, if so, how to request deletion of the data.

Cancel an account deletion

If you’ve scheduled an account for deletion, you can cancel the deletion before the 14-day grace period is over. Once you cancel the deletion, we’ll start billing you and other organizations for the user.

To cancel a deletion:

  1. Go to Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Managed accounts.

  3. Select the user.

  4. From the user’s account page, click Cancel deletion.

  5. From the confirmation dialog that appears, review the Atlassian account services that the user will regain access to and confirm that you want to cancel the deletion.

After you’ve canceled deletion, the user’s account is fully restored and active. We’ll send the user an email letting them know they can now log in to all services they previously could access.


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