Remove admin permissions from users

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To check, go to your organization at and select Directory. If the Users and Groups lists are found here, then you are using the centralized user management. Learn more about the centralized user management



As an organization admin, Users is found under Directory tab.

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As a site administrator or organization admin, Users is found under Product site.

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As an organization admin, you can remove all admin roles from other users, including the organization admin role.

Who can do this?

  • Organization admins

To remove the organization admin role from someone:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Users.

  3. Find the user and select Show details. You can use the search filter to filter by Org admin.

  4. Select the 3 dot icon (⋯) and select Remove organization role.

  5. Select Remove organization admin role.

If you only have one organization admin and you can’t log in to their account (for example, if they have left the company), a billing admin or technical contact will need to contact our support team. Make sure to include the email address of the account you want to assign the organization admin role to.

Who can do this?

  • Organization admins

To remove the user access admin role from someone:

  1. Go to Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Directory > Users.

  3. Find a user, then select their avatar or select Show details. You can use the search filter to filter by User access admin.

  4. From the Product roles dropdown for the product you want to remove the user access admin from, unselect User access admin.

An organization admin can remove product admin roles. A user access admin can also do this, but they can only remove product admin roles within their assigned products. To remove a product admin role, see Remove product access for users.

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As an organization admin, you can remove all admin permissions from other users, including the organization admin permission and the site administrator role. If you are a site administrator, you can remove the site administrator role but you can’t remove the organization admin role.

Who can do this?

  • Organization admins

To remove the organization admin role from a user:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > Administrators.

  3. Find the user’s name in the administrators list and select Remove.

  4. Select Remove in the dialog box to confirm.

If you only have one organization admin and you can’t log in to their account (for example, if they have left your company), a billing admin or technical contact will need to contact our support team. Make sure to include the email address of the account you want to assign the organization admin role to.

Who can do this?

  • Organization admins

  • Site admins


To remove the site administrator role from a user:

  1. Go to If you’re a site administrator for multiple sites or an organization admin, select your site name or organization first.

  2. Select Users. If you only have one site, you’ll land on the user list.

  3. From this list of users, find and select the user you want to remove the site administrator role from. You can use the search filters to filter by Site admins.

  4. From the user’s details screen, select Site administrator under Roles.

  5. Change the role to Basic or Trusted, depending on your needs.

If the user is also an organization admin, you’ll need to remove their organization admin role before you can remove their site administrator role.

An organization admin can remove product admin roles. A site administrator can also do this, but they can only remove product admin roles within their assigned sites. To remove a product admin role, see Remove product access for users.


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