What is a managed team?
Managed teams are only available for organizations with at least one Premium or Enterprise plan for Jira, Confluence, Loom, or Compass.
Managed Teams are a configuration of Atlassian teams that can be connected to groups, which serve as the source of truth for membership. You have the option to connect either an externally managed group (SCIM-synced group) or a local Atlassian group. Managed teams have the following attributes:
They can only be created and deleted by organization admins in Atlassian Administration
They use the connected group as the source of truth for membership, syncing the membership between the team and group.
The team will also take the name of the connected group.
Managed teams have the blue, verified checkmark indicator (seen below) in most places they are shown or mentioned, since they can only be changed by organization admins.
Create a managed team
Managed teams can only be created in Atlassian Administration by an organization admin.
Go to the Directory page and select Groups.
Select the group you’d like to connect to a team.
Select the Connect team button.
Connect a new team
Select the Connect team button.
Select New team from the dropdown
Verify the new team that’s connected to the group.
Connect an existing team
Select the Connect team button
Select Existing team in the dropdown
Select a team to connect and review the changes. Note the team name and membership will be overwritten to match the group.
Verify the existing team that’s connected to the group
The above instructions are for centralized user management. If you have original user management:
Go to the Products section in the navigation bar.
Look for Sites and projects in the side navigation and select a site.
Under user management, select Groups.
Select the Connect team button.
Delete or disconnect a managed team
To delete or disconnect a managed team from a group, go to the group’s page in Atlassian Administration and select Disconnect team from the menu to unlink the group from the team. Once disconnected, the team will:
Become a normal team with invite-only membership.
Still be attached to any work from when it was a managed team.
For any changes to a group that’s connected to a team:
The connected team will be deleted. The team can still be restored within 30 days, but it will be restored as a team with invite-only membership.
If you disconnect the Atlassian group in the identity provider, it will remain a SCIM-synced group.
If you disconnect the identity provider from Atlassian entirely, the group will become a local group and the team will still be connected to the group.