• Documentation

Approve or deny product access requests

You can approve or deny requests for access to your products. Users can only request access using an Atlassian account and after verifying their email address.

Who can do this?
Role: Organization admin
Atlassian Cloud: All plans
Atlassian Government Cloud: Not available

How to approve or deny product access requests

Users can only use this feature to access your site or products if you choose to approve them. We provide as much information as possible about the requesting user to help you make a decision.

When you grant a user access to a product, they’re added to the default product group and billing starts for the new user.

When you deny a user access to a product, you can send them a short message explaining why. A user who has requested access and been denied won’t be able to request access again.

The access requests page provides an overview of all requests made for access to your products.

To approve or deny requests from the access requests page:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Products from the header.

  3. From the left side of the page, select the site's name and URL > Access requests.

  4. To approve a user's request, click Approve now. To deny a user's request, select the 3 dot icon Deny access.

The review access request screen provides extra information about a specific request.

To approve or deny requests from the review access request screen:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Products from the header.

  3. From the left side of the page, select the site's name and URL > Access requests.

  4. Select Review request on any request you would like to find out more about. The review access request screen will appear.

  5. To approve the request, select Approve now. To deny the request, select the arrow next to Get more infoDeny access.

You can also find the review request screen by selecting Review request in any access request-related email you receive.

How access requests work

When users land in a product they don’t have access to, they’ll see a message prompting them to request access. This might happen, for example, when a user without access opens a link shared by a user who has access to your product.

Requests can be made in the following ways:

Type of user

What they can request

Existing users with access to at least one of your products

  • Access to a new product for themselves.

  • Access for existing users to the same product they have access to.

  • Access for new users to the same product they have access to.

New users

New users need to have both a verified email address and an Atlassian account to make a request or join your products. If you're not sure who a requesting user is, you can always deny their request. When you deny a user this way, they can't request access again.

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