• Documentation

Create issues from the timeline view of your project

This page refers to the timeline view in Jira and not your plan, the cross-project planning tool only available as part of Jira Cloud Premium and Enterprise.

Unless otherwise noted, the timeline view in Jira is the same for both company-managed and team-managed projects.


The timeline view uses your project’s board as its issue source. As you create issues in your project, they're automatically added to your timeline. You can also make new issues directly on your timeline view.

Create a parent issue

Select Create Epic at the bottom of the issues column to create a new parent-level issue.

The default parent issue type in Jira is Epic, which is what we use in this documentation. However, this is a dynamic value based on how your administrator configures the parent issue type. For example, if your project uses feature as the parent issue type, you’ll see Create Feature.

Create a child issue

Hover over the parent-level issue and select + to create child issues:

Add a child issue to your parent task on your roadmap in Jira Software Cloud

Insert an issue on the timeline

If you want to place an issue directly between two existing issues on your timeline, hover on the line between them and select the blue + that appears:

Insert an issue between two existing ones on your roadmap in Jira Software Cloud

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