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Perform a cloud-to-cloud migration for Jira

Starting January, 2024, we’re renaming the Jira cloud-to-cloud migration feature to Copy product data. We’re moving this feature to Atlassian Administration at admin.atlassian.com in a unified experience along with Confluence cloud-to-cloud data copy.

We’re rolling out the change slowly, so if you aren’t able to access this feature by logging into your Jira Cloud and selecting System > Settings > Migrate cloud site, we recommend you go to admin.atlassian.com, and select:

Settings > Data management Copy product data

You’ll need to have organization administrator permissions to access and use the Copy product data feature.

Learn more about this change


Who can do this?

  • Organization admins

  • Site administrators (only for older organizations, as this role has been deprecated)

When you add teams or reorganize your existing teams, you may need to move your Jira users and projects from one instance of your Jira to another.

  • The capability to move Jira Service Management data from one instance of your Jira Cloud to another is only available when you have signed up for our Early Access Program (EAP).

  • To assess the impact of your migration and make decisions about your cloud-to-cloud data movement, review the soft limits for cloud-to-cloud migration for Jira.

Before you start a cloud-to-cloud migration, learn about:

Access the cloud-to-cloud migration feature

To start migrating your data, log in to the cloud site you want to migrate your users and projects from. This will be your source from where you’ll move your data.

  1. Select Settings ⚙️ in the top right corner of the screen.

  2. Select System.

  3. Select Migrate cloud site from the left navigation menu.

We’re gradually rolling out this feature, so it may not appear for a few days, or longer if you have Release Tracks enabled.

The Migration overview screen shows you details about your source site, including the number of projects, users, groups, Jira Service Management customer accounts, and apps on your site.

Migration overview

From this screen you can:

  • select Start reading to read our documentation outlining important things you need to know before migrating.

  • select Plan your migration from the left navigation menu to access our documentation at any point during your migration.

  • select Go to dashboard to start the migration or view active and expired migrations.

Create a migration

Once you’re ready to begin migrating, Go to dashboard. This will take you to the Migration dashboard, which you can also access from the left navigation menu.

The dashboard lets you see all your migrations in one place. It will be empty until you create a new migration. To do so, select Create new migration.

Screenshot of the Migration dashboard in Jira Cloud

Before you proceed, make sure your destination site has the same Jira products as your source site, even if you won’t be migrating data from the other products. Make sure your destination site also has the same user-installed apps as your source site. We don’t migrate app data yet, but this will reduce your chance of encountering any errors. To migrate app data, you’ll need to contact each Marketplace Partner directly.

Select your destination site

First, enter a name for your migration. This will help you identify the migration on the dashboard if you need to create more than one migration.

Next, select the cloud site you want to migrate your users and projects to, known as the destination site. To migrate to a site within the same organization, you need to be a site admin for the destination site. To migrate to a site in a different organization, you need to be an organization admin for both the organization that your destination site belongs to and the source site. Learn more about admin permissions

If you want to migrate to a new site, create a new site and add it to your organization.

Screenshot of the Migration - Select destination site screen in Jira Cloud

Once you’ve selected your destination site, select Choose projects to add projects to your migration.

Choose projects to migrate

You can choose to migrate all or some of your Jira team-managed or company-managed projects. Issues, attachments, and configurations related to the projects you select will be migrated.

When you’ve selected the projects you want to migrate, select Add to migration.

Migrate users and groups

To add users and groups to your migration:

  1. On the Users and groups section, choose an option to migrate users and groups:



Migrate users and groups related to the selected projects

Migrate only users and groups that are referenced in the projects you added to your plan. This includes users, groups, or roles referenced in standard or custom fields, user-generated content, workflows, and permission schemes.

Optionally, you’ll be able to include users not directly referenced in the projects, but are members of groups that are referenced in the project.

All users and groups

Migrate all users and groups from your Jira users directory. This includes deleted users who will appear as former users.

2. On the Group memberships section, choose whether to migrate users and groups separately or together:



Migrate users and groups separately

Migrate users and groups without adding users to any groups. Users won’t have access to any products or projects, and won’t consume the license.

We'll merge groups with the same names. Existing users in the destination may get unwanted permissions.

Migrate users with their groups

Group membership will be preserved, which means users users will have access to products or projects and will count towards your license.

 Learn more about how migrating users and groups impact permissions

3. When you’re ready, select Check for conflicts.

If you choose to move Jira Service Management projects, you’ll need to select customers and customer organizations before you can run checks to validate your data.

Select customers and customer organizations

You can choose to move:

  • Only customers related to the selected projects, which means we only move customers referenced in the projects you want to migrate.

  • All customers, which means all customers on the source instance of Jira Service Management, including deleted customers referenced as former customers will be moved to the destination.

Customer organizations that are related to the selected projects will also be moved. Once you’ve selected the desired option, select Check for conflicts.

Check for conflicts

Before you can run your migration, we run checks to confirm that your destination site is correctly set up for your migration and to identify potential conflicts or unwanted settings. When you reach this step, we also save your migration, and it will appear on the dashboard.

At this point, you can proceed to review your migration, but if the checks resulted in any warnings or errors, you’ll need to resolve them before you can run your migration.

Check for conflicts

What we check for:

  • Your destination site should have the same Jira products as your source site, even if you won’t be migrating data from the other products. This will reduce the chance of your migration failing. If there’s a product you don’t want to use after migrating, set up a free trial for that product, then deactivate the trial after your migration is complete.

  • The user limit on your destination site won’t be exceeded after migration. The number of users with product access after migrating should be less than the maximum allowed under the plan on your destination site. There is no limit to the number of customer accounts you can migrate on a Jira Service Management Free plan. If you need to increase the user limit, upgrade your plan.

  • Projects don’t already exist on your destination site. All projects on your destination site must have unique names and project keys after migration. This includes the history of any changed or old project keys. If duplicate projects are found, you’ll need to change the project name or key on your source site, delete the duplicate projects on your destination site, or remove the affected projects from your migration.

  • Projects aren’t available to the public, unless you’ve allowed anonymous or public access. We migrate project permissions as they’re configured on your source site. In some cases, your project permissions may allow public access, which means anyone on the internet can access your projects and related data in the destination site after they’ve been migrated. If you don’t want to allow people to access this data in your destination site without logging in, update the permissions on your source site before migrating.

While we run checks for common problems, you might encounter other problems during your migration that we don’t check for. Every cloud site is different so we recommend checking your data before migrating to reduce the chance of your migration failing.

Review your migration

On this screen, you’ll see a summary of your migration. This summary will outline how you’ve configured your migration, how many projects you’ve selected, and provide an estimated time required to complete your migration. Below the summary, you’ll see a breakdown of the projects you’ve selected.

Review migration
Whats included in the migration

Users, groups, Jira Service Management customer accounts, and individual projects are all marked with a pre-migration status, indicating whether that entity is ready for migration. There are three possible pre-migration statuses.


What it means


You’re good to go! You have no warnings or errors to resolve, and you can proceed to run your migration.


We found a problem in our checks with the users, groups, or a specific project in your migration. You can proceed to run your migration, but we recommend you review the warning.


We found a problem in our checks with the users, groups, or a specific project in your migration. You’ll need to resolve the error before you can run your migration.

If you have errors from the previous step that you haven’t resolved, you’ll need to go back to do so by selecting View errors and warnings at the top of the screen or Back at the bottom of the screen. Check and Fix statuses are all related to warnings and errors from the previous step.

If your source site is in use, we recommend you always check for conflicts before you run your migration, even if there were no warnings or errors to resolve the last time a check was run. This is to make sure the latest changes to your source site are checked. Select Rerun checks from the Review migration screen, or Check for conflicts from the More actions (•••) menu on the dashboard.

Once you've resolved all warnings and errors and reviewed your migration, you can proceed to run your migration.

Run your migration

Once you run your migration, you’ll be redirected to the dashboard. Use the dashboard to view the progress and status of all your migrations.

Select the More actions (•••) menu to access quick actions for any migration, including to:

  • run the migration

  • edit the migration (add or remove projects from saved migrations)

  • check for conflicts

  • go to the destination site

To see the detailed progress of any migration, select View details for that migration. On the View details screen, you’ll see the progress of users, groups, and individual projects.

View migration details
View details of users, groups, and customers in your migration

While a migration is running, the migration status of users, groups, Jira Service Management customer accounts, and projects will keep changing. There are five possible migration statuses.


What it means


This entity is next in queue to be migrated.


This entity is currently being migrated.


This entity was successfully migrated.


This entity was partially migrated. For example, this could mean 10 out of 15 users were migrated.


This entity could not be migrated.

If your migration has not finished, making changes to or deleting entities on your source site or destination site will cause your migration to fail. To prevent this from happening, make sure all migrations from the same source site to the same destination site are finished, before cleaning up or making changes on either site.

After your migration

Onboard your users

All users and groups, and customer accounts are migrated during a cloud-to-cloud migration. All active and inactive users are migrated, and content associated with deleted users is also migrated.

Users won’t get an email notification when they’re migrated to another site. When you’re ready, you can invite your users by going to Administration > Users > Resend invite from your destination site. Alternatively, you can also give users a link to the destination site and they will be able to log in directly. Learn more about inviting users

Decide to keep or cancel your source site

Once you’ve completed your migration, we recommend keeping the source site for a few months before cancelling your site subscription.

If you’re concerned about additional billing, you can cancel your site subscription by going to Administration > Billing > Manage subscriptions and selecting Cancel subscription for the site you want to cancel.

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