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Integrate Opsgenie with Cherwell

Cherwell logo

What does Opsgenie offer to Cherwell users?

Opsgenie provides a powerful two-way integration with Cherwell. Use the integration to send Cherwell incidents to Opsgenie’s API with detailed information. Opsgenie acts as a dispatcher for Cherwell alerts, determines the right people to notify based on on-call schedules– notifies via email, text messages (SMS), phone calls and iOS & Android push notifications, and escalates alerts until the alert is acknowledged or closed.

Functionality of the integration

  • When the status of incident is New or Reopened in Cherwell, an alert is created in Opsgenie automatically through the integration.

  • When the status of incident is In Progress in Cherwell, the alert that is created in Opsgenie is acknowledged automatically.

  • When the status of incident is Resolved or Closed in Cherwell, the alert that is created in Opsgenie is closed automatically.

  • If Send Alert Updates Back to Cherwell is enabled, incident actions are executed in Cherwell when the chosen action is executed in Opsgenie for Cherwell alerts.

  • If Create Cherwell Incidents for OpsGenie Alerts is enabled, incident actions are executed in Cherwell when the chosen action is executed in Opsgenie for alerts from a different source than Cherwell.

Add Cherwell Integration in Opsgenie

This integration is only available with Standard and Enterprise plans in Opsgenie, and Premium and Enterprise plans in Jira Service Management.

Adding the integration from your team dashboard will make your team the owner of the integration. This means Opsgenie will assign the alerts received through this integration to your team only. Follow the rest of the steps in this section to set up the integration.

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations. Search for Cherwell and select Add.

  2. Specify who is notified of Cherwell alerts using the Responders field. Auto-complete suggestions are provided as you type.

  3. Copy the API key.

  4. Select Save Integration.

OEC is required for sending data to Cherwell from Opsgenie.

We currently support Cherwellversion 10.X. Earlier versions aren’t supported due to API changes in Cherwell.

Configuration in Cherwell

  1. Download the integration blueprint, opsgenie.bp.

  2. In Cherwell Service Management Administrator, open opsgenie.bp and publish the blueprint.

Cherwell management objects

3. Open Stored Values Manager, and locate "OpsGenie API Key" under Global/Integrations. Paste the API key you copied as its value. You can refer here about updating Stored Values.

Cherwell stored value

All done! Forward your Cherwell incidents to Opsgenie and leverage Opsgenie’s full alerting functionality.

Using Cherwell Integration on Opsgenie EU Service Region

If using Opsgenie’s dedicated European Service Region, a slight modification is needed for the OpsGenie Web Service

  • In Cherwell Service Management Administrator, open Browser and Mobile Settings

  • Click on the Web Services Manager

  • Find OpsGenie Webhook in the list, then right-click and select edit to modify it.

  • Change the URL field from https://api.opsgenie.com/v1/json/cherwell to https://api.eu.opsgenie.com/v1/json/cherwell

Cherwell task

Required modifications in Cherwell for OEC integration

Before setting up the Integration via OEC follow the steps below for a hassle-free experience.

Obtaining REST API Client ID

  • In Cherwell Service Management Administrator, open Security.

  • Click Edit REST API Client Settings.

  • Click on the plus sign to create a new entry.

  • Name the REST API client as OpsGenie and copy the client id.

  • Click on the floppy disk icon to save.

Cherwell REST API

Creating a user for OEC Integration
Create a Cherwell User for OEC Integration to authenticate in Cherwell.

  • In Cherwell Service Management Administrator, open Security.

  • Click Edit Users.

  • Click on the plus sign to create a new entry.

  • Provide Cherwell authentication credentials for this user.

  • Set the Full Name of the user to OpsGenie, the field is case-sensitive.

  • Image is optional.

  • Click on the floppy disk icon to save.

Cherwell users

Creating a customer for OEC Integration
Create a Cherwell Customer for OEC integration which will be used as the requestor of the incidents created by Opsgenie.

  • In Cherwell Service Management, click on New -> New Customer - Internal.

  • Set the Full Name of the customer to OpsGenie, the field is case-sensitive.

  • Image is optional.

  • Click on the floppy disk icon to save.

Cherwell service management
Cherwell new customer

Integration via OEC

Alternatively, use Opsgenie’s OEC and the Cherwell script to execute actions on Cherwell. This enables deployment of your own scripts/ability to modify the ones provided and execute customized actions on Cherwell.

To use the Cherwell integration package, follow the steps in the sections below through the end.

Download the latest version of OEC

To download the latest version of Cherwell package, please use readme file of oec-scripts repository.


For Red Hat Based Distributions

  • Run following command : rpm -i cherwell-<your_version>.rpm

For Debian Based Distributions

  • Run following command : dpkg -i cherwell-<your_version>.deb

For Windows

  • Unzip opsgenie integration zip file which contains OEC package into a directory (C:\opsgenie is the preferred path.)

For convenience lets refer to this Unzip path as %OEC_HOME%, you can create a system environment variable called OEC_HOME with the value of the unzip location, to do this open an elevated Powershell session and enter this command.


[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("OEC_HOME", <Path you extracted OEC package>, 'Machine')

Configuring Cherwell Integration for OEC

  • In order to use OEC utility for your Cherwell integration, enable Send Via OEC in your integration settings.

  • Other configurations regarding Cherwell can be done either via the integration settings page or the OEC configuration file. Configuration on the integration page precedes the configuration file.

Cherwell OEC

OEC Configuration

To be able to execute actions in Cherwell, OEC gets the configuration parameters from the configuration file located at path /home/opsgenie/oec/conf/config.json (Linux) or %OEC_HOME%\conf\config.json (Windows).

Configuration parameters

  • apiKey – Copy the API key from the Cherwell integration you've created above.

  • apiUrl – URL of your Cherwell API. For example: http://localhost/CherwellAPI/.

  • username – The username you used to sign in to Cherwell.

  • password – The password you used to sign in to Cherwell.

  • clientId – The clientId which you've obtained in the chapter Required Modifications in Cherwell for OEC Integration.

The package that you downloaded also includes OEC utility which is at path /usr/local/bin/OpsgenieEdgeConnector (Linux) or %OEC_HOME%\OpsgenieEdgeConnector64.exe (Windows) and the script that is needed to be run by OEC which is under /home/opsgenie/oec/scripts (Linux) or %OEC_HOME%\scripts\actionExecutor.py (Windows). After the configuration of OEC is done, you need to run it. In order to learn more about how to run OEC, you can refer to the Running OEC documentation.
After all is set, according to your action mappings incidents will be created / updated in Cherwell.

Cherwell incident

Sample payload sent from Cherwell to Opsgenie


{ "incident" : { "callSource" : "Walk in", "status" : "Reopened", "shortDescription" : "Printer Issue", "category" : "Network", "cause" : "Hardware Malfunction", "id" : "102256", "description" : "Having trouble with the network printer", "type" : "Incident", "priority" : "3", "service" : "Printing", "subcategory" : "Submit Incident", "isMajorIncident" : "FALSE", "isRecurringIncident" : "FALSE" } }

This payload is parsed by Opsgenie as:


[ "call_source" : "Walk in", "status" : "Reopened", "short_description" : "Printer Issue", "category" : "Network", "cause" : "Hardware Malfunction", "incident_id" : "102256", "description" : "Having trouble with the network printer", "type" : "Incident", "priority" : "3", "service" : "Printing", "subcategory" : "Submit Incident", "is_major_incident" : false, "is_recurring_incident" : false ]


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